Visiting the Dollhouse Museum on my Own
My family loves to visit museums throughout the course of the year. We have visited historical sites, art museums, taken food tours and done the full children’s museums. But recently I did something brand new – I toured a museum all by myself. Visiting the Dollhouse Museum on my own was an interesting experience. At first, I kept looking around to see where the kids were. I was ready to answer their questions and help steer them toward the next exhibit.
It took a few minutes before I realized that though visiting a museum on my own is a completely different experience, its not necessarily bad.
Visiting the Dollhouse Museum on My Own

The first thing I noticed when taking my first solo tour was the lack of noise. My kids are usually on their best behavior when we visit a museum, but they still talk and chatter. This tour experience was completely different. It took a few minutes to actually enjoy the quiet. But then I discovered that without kids beside me, I could be selfish and look at the things that interested me personally.

I started seeing things a little differently. I was able to actually read the display signs that tell the story of what is happening in the scenes of the dollhouse museum. I discovered some hidden pieces of amazing craftsmanship that I had previously missed.

When you take a tour by yourself you don’t have to cater to someone else’s schedule or agenda. If you find an exhibit interesting, you pause a little longer. When you are ready to move on, you don’t check for the rest of the group – you just move forward.

The question is whether I enjoy museums more with the kids or on my own. I have to admit that I really enjoy being with my kids most of the time. They have unique perspectives on life and bring flavor to my life. However, they won’t always be right beside me. They are growing up and stretching their wings – learning to be their own unique individuals. I am thankful for the experience of visiting a museum on my own. It showed me that I am able to enjoy what life brings me even when I’m on my own.
About the Great American Dollhouse Museum
The Great American Dollhouse Museum is located in Danville, KY and is a must see stop on any visit to the Bluegrass. You can read my full review here or check out all the details on the website.
Have you ever visited a museum by yourself? Was it a good experience? Do you think it’s important for us Moms to get out on our own occasionally and do things without the kids? Thoughts? I’d love to hear!
This post made me smile! It brought back so many memories of my maternal grandmother’s love for dolls that she passed down to me.