Winter Gardening Experiment with Milk Jugs
I will start this post out with the disclaimer that I have no idea if this will work. But I have seen this on lots of pinterest boards and gardening blogs so of course, I have to try it. I am attempting to grow seeds in milk jugs outside in the winter. So join me as I try this winter gardening experiment with milk jugs and seeds!
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Winter Gardening Experiment with Milk Jugs
Materials Needed
- Empty Milk Jugs
- Duck Tape
- Utility Knife
- Seeds
- Potting Soil
- Sharpie Marker
Rinse empty milk jugs and cut in half – leaving just enough to make a handle you can bend open.
Fill the jugs with potting soil and plant a sprinkling of seeds in each jug.
Fold the top back over and use duck tape to create a seal around the middle.
Label with a sharpie marker or use painters tape so you will know what each jug is supposed to grow.
Place outside or, in my case, in the greenhouse. Water them gently with small drips of water. Wait for them to start growing.
Questions I have:
- How will I know if they are getting enough moisture?
- Should they be in the greenhouse or outside like some pinterest posts show?
If you have ever tried this method, I’d love to hear! Otherwise, stay tuned. I’ll keep you updated on the process as soon as I hopefully have germination and growth!
- The Greenhouse Experiment Begins
- Greenhouse Update November
- Greenhouse Update December
- Greenhouse Update January