
Step back in time at RM Brooks Store

Sometimes you just have to step back in time and get a glimpse of how life used to be. Recently we were on a family road trip with grandparents and they pulled off the side of the road to walk into RM Brooks Store near Historic Rugby. The kids weren’t quite sure about this but Nana and Papa were adamant that we were going to experience the best cheese in the world! Despite our skepticism, we discovered that they were right!

RM Brooks Store

Step back in time at RM Brooks Store

The RM Brooks General Store has been open since the early 1930’s and is the most recent addition to The National Register of Historic Places. The RM Brooks store is a classic general store where you can find anything you need. The locals come and sit in the rocking chairs around the pot belly stove to eat and tell stories and the visitors like us stop in to experience a taste of what used to be.

RM Brooks Store



The pot-bellied stove, the rocking chairs, the 1880’s original Rugby Post Office, rat trap cheese, bologna, BBQ sandwiches, glass bottled soda cooled in an old-fashioned sliding soda case, popcorn, Nacho’s n cheese and of course moon pies and old fashioned candies await your choosing to purchase, observe, taste or relax.

RM Brooks Store

Don’t miss the opportunity to taste and enjoy the classic hoop cheese with bologna and crackers.




We have stopped at other general stores like Rabbit Hash in northern Kentucky and always enjoy the opportunity to shop and browse this piece of history.


Find RM Brooks Store
2830 Rugby Parkway
Junction of TN 52 and Brewstertown Rd.
Rugby, Tennessee

Connect with RM Brooks: Website | Facebook

This is a great stop on your way to Historic Rugby! Have you been here! Got a favorite old general merchandise store like RM Brooks or Rabbit Hash General Store that you have visited? I’d love to hear your favorite memories!

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One Comment

  1. What a wonderful trip back into the past this must have been. We do this every year at the Boyce store near Bowling Green, KY. I always have a fried bologna sandwich which is a childhood favorite of mine.

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