
Emergency Food Supply Storage Options

Each of us should be taking basic steps to have the basic essentials on hand for our family in case of emergencies. It’s not that we fear zombie invasions or major catastrophic events, but we do understand the reality of how quickly life can go from normal to emergency mode. There are many ways we can prepare for emergencies. Today I’m sharing another emergency food supply storage option that doesn’t take up alot of space and requires very little effort on our part. Not only is this something we should do individually, but this is a great idea for holiday gifts!

Hobbies on a Budget received discounts or products to facilitate this post. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.


Emergency Food Supply Storage Options

Emergency Food Supply Grab and Go Kit – 56 Servings (Breakfast and Entree)
This bucket contains 14 packages of 4 servings each. They are sealed in mylar pouches and store easily in this bucket. One of the things I like about this bucket is that there is no prep work involved. You simply purchase the bucket and then store it in a dry, out of the way place. There is no meal planning, shopping or effort involved in being prepared for an emergency situation. This bucket has a 25 year shelf life, so you can buy it today and not think about it again till 2041.

This grab-and-go bucket includes 56 emergency food servings sealed in Mylar pouches. This new formula is low in sodium and trans fats and provides nutritious and tasty meals such as Savory Stroganoff and Apple Cinnamon Cereal that will sustain one adult for four weeks (2 servings per day), or four adults for one week.


I have no idea how the food tastes because I am using this as a long term emergency food storage option. But in an emergency situation, I know that I would rather have food options that offer me and my family nutritious meals that only require boiling water.

Each packet provides 4 servings and requires only boiling water to prepare.


Do you think it is important to have an emergency supply of food and water in your home? How do you plan for weather emergencies? Got any tips or favorite products that make this process easier? I’d love to hear!

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One Comment

  1. I think it’s very important to be prepared. I wouldn’t want to be one of those people running to the store at the last second with the shelves already cleared. I like to stock up on can foods because I know they will last awhile.

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