Easy Ideas for Vertical Gardens
There are some things that just grow better when they have something to climb on. Many popular vegetables and flowers like cucumbers, beans, morning glories, and tomatoes do better when they are able to go up instead of just sprawl on the ground. If you are looking to explore vertical gardens, then I’ve got some easy ideas to help you get started.
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Easy Ideas for Vertical Gardens
Many vegetables and flowers do well when they are given something to climb on. But you don’t have to spend lots of money on trellis systems or elaborate fencing. Just look at what you have and then get creative.
Old gates or fences work well for vertical gardens. Last year I planted some sweet peas on an old gate that we had just leaned against the barn. It was the perfect support system for the delicate sweet peas.

If you have a plastic greenhouse that you use throughout the cold months, then you can repurpose it for a morning glory vertical garden. Just pull back the plastic cover and let the morning glory vines climb up the support beams.

This year I am trying to grow peas in my plastic greenhouse. I simply attached the plastic shelves with zip ties so I can train the vines up and around.

Another popular option for vertical gardens is using cattle panels. I had several just leaning against the back of our barn so I brought them out and built an arch on the edge of my vegetable garden. I’m excited to plant green beans there this next week.

Tips for Building Vertical Gardens
- Use what you have. Don’t feel like you need to buy something special. Just find something that you can put in your garden area and let your plants climb.
- Zip ties are a cheap way to attach structures to your poles.
- Take a few minutes each day and train your plants to climb around the vertical gardens. You may have to help them in the early stages.
- Don’t worry about perfection. The beauty of vertical gardening is that each time you grow on a structure, you will get a different look.
I love finding products that help me when I’m working in my garden beds. One of the things I’m adding to my routine this season is Farmers Sleeves that protect my arms and skin while I’m out working. The sleeves are made REPREVE® eco-dynamic fabric, made from recycled materials, with moisture-wicking qualities that keep me cool and dry.

Have you ever used vertical gardens? Got a favorite structure you love to use? I’d love to hear!