What’s Happening in my September Garden

It’s the middle of September and my garden is finally reaching the end of the growing season. It has been a productive summer with lots of vegetables, canning jars, and a freezer full of produce. But now it is time to look forward to a new season of gardening and cool weather activities. Here’s a look at what’s happening in my September Garden.

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What’s Happening in my September Garden

The vegetable garden is just about done producing but that doesn’t mean the work is done. Now it’s time to start planning for next year. I’m letting the green beans and okra dry out so I can collect the seeds for next year. A little more time and they’ll be ready for winter storage

The main flower gardens are slowing down but there are still dozens of morning glories, marigolds, and 4-o-clocks in full bloom.

One of my favorite memories from childhood is collecting marigolds and zinnia seeds in canning jars each fall. We would store them in the garage and be ready for the next summer season. I’m continuing that tradition this week with my own marigolds and coneflowers. These are some of the easiest seeds to save.

Planning a Cover Crop

I’ve never really planted a cover crop, but this year, I’m going to try. Stay tuned to see what I have on order to help my garden get ready for next spring.

Prepping for Next Season

Now is the time to start restocking your reading list for fall. I’ve got two new books in my stack that I’m ready to dive into.

Homesteading is more than a pastime, it’s a lifestyle. More people than ever before want to create a more sustainable life, live resourcefully, and have a greater connection to the foods and goods they consume – and save money in the process. Starting your very first homestead is a journey of discovery and passion that can be filled with questions and what-ifs. In The First-Time Homesteader, Jessica fills in all the blanks with honesty, humor, and charm.

Roots and Refuge | order on Amazon

Just when you think you have a secure grip on what it takes to grow a vegetable garden, a pro like Joe comes along to surprise you with a wheelbarrow full of new-to-you information to knock your gardening socks right off. In The Vegetable Gardening Book, Joe distills insight from years interviewing highly experienced growers for public television’s Growing a Greener World and The joe gardener® Show Podcast along with his own extensive, hands-on knowledge of the craft to present practical and useful info on everything from starting seeds and selecting varieties to building the perfect tomato cageencouraging pollinators, and creating biodiversity-rich soil in a 100% organic food garden. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in growing the best edible garden their backyard (or balcony!) has ever seen.

Joe Gardener | Order on Amazon

What are you doing in your garden this September? Are you excited about fall so you can pivot away from summer gardening tasks and start looking at the next season? I’d love to hear!

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