
How to Create Baby Animals with Snack Packs

Are you loving the summer weather? Ready to create something fun for snack time with your kids? How about a little friendly competition? Nothing too fierce – just an opportunity to see who can create the most fun little baby animal characters! But what is the fun of a craft that doesn’t lead to something tasty to snack on? Gather some Snack Packs and all the crafty ‘stuff’ and get busy with crafty creations!

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How to Create Baby Animals with Snack Packs

Oh yes, it may look like fun and games in some of these pictures, but the planning stage is pretty intense. What animal should you make? What color craft foam should you use? There’s no right or wrong way to create these crafts. Just use your imagination and have some fun!

First, do all the things that require glue, tape, pipe cleaners and pom poms. You don’t want to end up having sticky pom poms fall into your pudding.

Materials Needed

  • Pudding Cups
  • Googly Eyes
  • Foam Sheets
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Glue (Hot glue gun optional)
  • plastic spoons or forks


  • Decide what animal you want to create. Do you want to use the foam to make the animal flat? or would you rather use the pom poms to give it body?
  • Pencil your shape on the foam and cut carefully with scissors.
  • Glue on googly eyes, ears, pipe cleaner antennas or other assorted pieces.
  • Wrap your pudding cup to color in the body if necessary.
  • When your animal is ready, tape or glue it to a plastic spoon or fork

Use a foam craft stick to wrap around the Snack Pack Pudding cup. Once you measure the width, just staple it together so it will slide on over the cup.

How to Create the Baby Animals with Puff Balls

  • Use 2 large poof balls for the body.
  • Use Foam sheets to cut out beaks, ears or feet.
  • Attach Googly Eyes

Time to Add the Tasty Decorations

Once the crafty part of the creation is done, it’s time to move to Step 2! This is the tasty part of the competition! Pull out all the ingredients and set them out on the table.

Snack Pack Mixins Baby Animal Competition

Then the real fun begins! If you have ever seen one of those cooking competitions where the contestants get a set amount of time and are turned loose to create whatever they can imagine then you get an idea of how the next 15 minutes will go.

Pudding Cup Animals

Ready to have your own Baby Animal Snack Pack family Competition? Make sure you prepare for some fun and a nice mess! And what’s a competition without a winner? We officially declared the Butterfly as first place!


First place: Spring Butterfly
Second place: Little Yellow Chick
Third place: Green Frog

Which one do you think should have been the winner? Do you agree with the judges? Do you play with your food? I’d love to hear!

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