4 Ways to Celebrate Earth Month
As we celebrate Earth month, I think it’s important to find real life ways to become more earth friendly. We all know families that are super eco-friendly. They are passionate about everything they buy, bring into their homes and feed their families. But other families like ours have to take baby steps toward a more earth-friendly lifestyle. Here are four tips to help us become more Earth-friendly and environmentally aware.
Hobbies on a Budget received products or discounts for the purpose of this post. All opinions are my own. No monetary compensation was received. This post also includes affiliate links.

4 Ways to Celebrate Earth Month
In the Laundry Room:
There are many studies about the chemicals that are used in our laundry detergent and dryer sheets. I’m not done using my favorite laundry detergent but I am testing out wool dryer balls. You can add a few drops of essential oils and then toss them in your dryer with your clothes. This could eliminate the need for dryer sheets and potentially make our family one more step toward earth-friendly.

Use Wool Dryer Balls to soften your clothes and reduce drying time by up to 50%. Reusable, long lasting, natural alternative to dryer sheets. Each set includes 3 Wool Dryer Balls plus essential oil for naturally scented laundry.
On the Go:
I don’t like using plastic bags for everything in my life. But I often forget to pack reusable bags in the car or when I am heading out on errands. Sometimes the cloth bags are just too big and bulky to be practical. When we recently took our trip to Washington DC, we were able to carry these little reusable fabric bags to carry snacks and souvenirs.

The nice part is that when we didn’t need them, they could be rolled up in a ball and attached to our backpack or dropped in my purse.

In the Yard:
One of our pesky problems in our yard is an overabundance of moles. They have created mole-hills all over the backyard. We have considered different invasive options to get rid of them, but didn’t really like the idea of a bunch of dead moles to get rid of. We are trying a sonic molechaser that uses sound waves to drive them out of our yard.

The Sonic Molechaser is a humane and environmentally friendly way of deterring rodents from your gardens and lawns. Proven to be effective, the Molechaser uses an underground sonic pulse that won’t affect your family or pets.
Don’t forget to order four D batteries for the molechaser!
With Our Kids:
We want to grow a generation of eco-aware children who see sustainability as the norm rather than the unique. Since my son loves to build and experiment, I love providing him toys that teach.
He is working on learning all about hydropower using this Renewable Energy Science Kit.
Explore the power of water by building models and conducting experiments with them. Learn about how different devices are used to extract useful energy from moving water — from a waterwheel in a small stream to a giant turbine in a tidal power station.
How are you working toward a more Earth-friendly lifestyle? I’d love to hear your tips for moving toward an eco-friendly life.