Holiday Memories Scrapbook

When we first had children, I was given a piece of advice that I have followed up on every year. What was this great advice? Keep all the holiday pictures and memories in one place so each season I could flip through the memories of all the past years. Making a Holiday Memories Scrapbook has become one of my most fun holiday traditions.

Holiday Memories Scrapbook

I have a Christmas scrapbook that starts the first year my husband and I got married and continues each holiday season. Every Christmas we pull out the green scrapbook album and take a walk through 17 years of Christmas memories. I don’t know how many more years I can fit in one book. I have a feeling I’m going to have to start book 2 for the next years….

I use the plastic slip pages so I am able to drop in special non picture items as well – Letters to Santa, special Christmas letters or cards and random bits of paper that have special significance.

This is my most prized holiday tradition! I love being able to see all of our Christmas memories in one place. This is also my most diligent scrapbooking time. Before January is 2 weeks old, I want to have all of the previous Christmas pages done!

Holiday Memories Scrapbook

Frugal tip: I always use the Christmas cards that I have received to make borders for the pictures I put on the pages. I cut out the decorative pictures from the cards and reuse them for accents. Not only does this just make sense to use what I have, but it also is a neat way to preserve the memories of those cards and the people who sent them.

My Mom has done this same thing. She lays the Christmas album out on the coffee table when we all go home for the holidays.

Do you have a Christmas scrapbook? I’d love to hear about how you preserve your Christmas memories!

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