princess and pauper

Media Monday – Princess and The Pauper

There are some animated movies that our kids enjoy but we as parents just endure. The voices are annoying; the music is average; the story line is ridiculous. We simply push play because we think we are supposed to just endure the cartoons they enjoy.

However, there are some animated movies that are just the opposite. Today’s Media Monday focuses on Barbie’s Princess and the Pauper . This is one of those rare cartoons that I have heard other parents sheepishly admit that they enjoyed listening to the CD even when the kids weren’t in the room.

Media Monday – Princess and The Pauper

Barbie’s Princess and the Pauper is the classic story of two girls who look exactly alike – one is royalty and the other lives in rags. Through an unexpected chain of events, the twins are switched and they get to live in the others life. At the end of this timeless tale, the two end up working together to save the kingdom and live happily ever after.

What sets this movie adaptation apart from other animated movies is the music. There is a classical sound to several of the songs that elevates the typical music of cartoons to a higher level of music. I love the fact that many of the songs have 2 parts and let the kids learn to sing in harmony. My daughter has always loved to sing. Some of these Barbie movies have been her favorites as she has grown from toddler to older elementary age. The music is solid and has really helped her develop a good ear and an ability to pick and choose what is ‘good music’.

You can order Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper from Amazon or look for it at your local stores.

Barbie as The Island Princess is another one of the Barbie movies with amazing music! These two movies may be cartoons, but they have some of the best songs I’ve heard in this genre!

Have you ever seen this Barbie movie? What is your favorite song? I’d love to hear!

This is another installment in the weekly series called Media Monday. For other Media Monday features, click on the links below!

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