How to Organize Pictures
If you’re like me, you have a box full of pictures randomly stored in a shoe box or plastic tub under your bed. There’s no way to enjoy these pictures because they are not organized. What started out in the early years of our marriage as a small box of pictures has multiplied into a hideous mess. But I think I found how to organize pictures in a way that I can easily enjoy looking through them.

How to Organize Pictures
Over the past few years, I have been trying to separate my random pictures by date and events. I have sorted them into individual ziploc bags by event and used index cards to separate them by dates. It is a step in the right direction, but still a mess.

I found these plastic photo storage boxes that allow me to separate my pictures into years and events. I purchased the Large Photo Keeper from Amazon. There are 16 individual plastic boxes that hold 100 4×6 pictures each.

The Large Photo Keeper includes 16 individual photo cases that each hold 100 standard 4″ x 6″ photos. The cases are acid free and feature rounded corners and edges to protect your cherished memories. The keeper buckles down and has an easy carry handle for portability. The unit is also stackable with standard 6 Case Photo Keeper. Photos shown not included. Assembly level/degree of difficulty: No Assembly Required. Made in America

I have been sorting my pictures into events and years. I can now just open the plastic storage box and pull out the pictures from our vacation in 1999 or from 2003 and see what we did that year. Talk about easy storage! I feel so organized now!

I know I’m going to need one more of these large photo boxes. Maybe I will find a company willing to sponsor a giveaway so one of you readers can check these out as well!
Wow i could really use one of these . Between me and mom we have so many photos and dont know ware half of them are . these would help so much thank you
I like this. I have loose photos, photos in albums, photos in scrapbooks and on memory cards which I have never printed out. Can’t enjoy them that way!