Winter Hiking: What Will You See?
Last weekend the sun was shining and it was a balmy 30 degrees. I was ready to go exploring. So we grabbed our hoodies, tennis shoes, hiking backpack, the walking stick and headed out to the closest hiking trail near us to enjoy the outdoors. The only problem with winter hiking is that people think there’s not a lot to see. There are no beautiful flowers in bloom; no green leaves on the trees and everything is bland and boring! Right? Wrong! If you look around expecting to find beauty, you might be surprised!
Wnter Hiking:What Will You See?
Rather than tell you what we saw, I’ll just let you join us on our hike through Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge. You never know what you will see:
The results of a beaver hard at work….
A Bridge under water that requires you to take a detour off the path…
Geese on the pond
A magnificent tree trunk against a blue sky
A Turtle out enjoying the sunshine…
Sure, the woods are more beautiful when they are full of color; but just because it’s dreary and we’re tired of browns, gray and cold doesn’t mean there’s not something worth seeing.
What are you doing today? Even if it’s cold, let’s get out there and see what we can see!