war on christmas

War on Christmas Book Review

Did the wiseman come to the manger scene? Were there three wisemen? Did Mary ride a donkey? Why do we have Christmas Trees or exchange presents? There are many things that we traditionally do and talk about during the Christmas season, but how much of what we celebrate is biblical? Are there things that we pass on to our kids that aren’t exactly based on fact?

The book War on Christmas: Battles in Faith, Tradition, and Religious Expression breaks down some of the traditions and helps explain the background and ‘why’.

War on Christmas Book Review

I gave this book to my parents so they could read it and share their opinion. My Mom absolutely loved it. She had nothing but praise for the War on Christmas. The slick finish of the pages make the book one that will last as a yearly coffee table book. The book is broken down into easy chapters so you can just pick it up and read one chapter at a time depending on what you are curious about. She loved the fact that there were full pictures throughout out the pages that broke the text into easy chunks instead of just pages of black and white.

Because the author Bodie Hodge is associated with Answers to Genesis based in northern Kentucky, you can trust that his book is going to be based on Scripture and not just someone’s random opinion. The book gives information without crossing the line and becoming ‘preachy’.

war on christmas

Filled with family get-togethers, office parties, breaks from school, decorating the tree, and more, Christmas is a time of peace and love. So why has so much controversy clouded this sacred holiday? It has become ground zero in an ongoing culture war where Nativity scenes are nixed, Merry Christmas becomes Happy Holidays, and even the word “Christmas” is considered by some as offensive. Find the truth about Christmas and the Christian’s response to a culture that seems to be declaring war.

war on cmas

Read the frst chapter

I received this book from Handlebar Publishing for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.

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