How to Help Tweens Sell their Crafts

Children need the opportunity to create and share those creations with the world. When they are small, they are always bringing home their coloring sheets, paintings and popsicle stick houses. But as they grow a little older their skills improve and their creations get a little better. Whatever they are working on, maybe it’s time to find a child friendly arts and craft show or have them set up a table at a community yard sale to help your children learn about the world from the sales side. But how do you get started?

tweens crafts

How to Help Tweens Sell their Crafts

Think about their skills:

What does your tween enjoy doing? Are they able to make loom potholders, scarves, or friendship bracelets? Do they love to paint? Can they build bird feeders, wind chimes or create Christmas ornaments? Do they create their own masterpieces or do they prefer to follow a kit?

Order your supplies:

Once you have identified their skills, then find the supplies. Do you need to make a trip to your local hobby and craft store? Can you find the things you need online at a party supply store? Do you already have a full box of craft supplies just waiting for your tween to start creating?

Find a Venue:

Not all craft shows are suitable for young crafters. Do your research before you sign up. There may be local school sponsored events in your area or summer county fairs that are suitable for young crafters. Look for community yard sales and see if you can set up a table.

Local Kentucky readers: check out the Kids Arts Festival at the Great American Brass Festival in June

Prepare early:

Young crafters are not going to have the stamina for marathon crafting sessions. You don’t want to burn them out by putting them under time pressure. Now is the perfect time to start preparing for a late summer or fall craft show. Give them time to create a few items at a time.

Tip: Store each of the finished pieces in individual plastic bags or totes to keep them clean and safe till time for the shop.

Check the cost:

Find out how much it is going to cost to rent a table at the event you are interested in. Decide if the cost is going to be covered by you the parent or if it should come out of the proceeds of their sale.

Find a partner:

If this is their first event, it might be wise to team up with a friend. Not only will this give each of the tweens an opportunity to work toward a common goal, it will also help each of them stay motivated as they build the supply of products.

Tip: If you are teaming up with a partner, decide how you are going to keep track of the proceeds of your sale. Will you have labels for each product? Will you keep a tally book with the list of each sale? Plan it out at the beginning so there is no question later.

What will they learn? Having the opportunity to create something artistic and then put it up for sale in a public forum is a prime opportunity for life lessons. When the kids create something for grandparents or Mom and Dad, they know it will be loved and treasured. But selling something to the general public can be a scary thing. How much is their creation worth? Will the buyer be pleased with the craft? Will they think it is too expensive? Selling their artistic creations is a great way to teach young tweens the value of creating and sharing their work with the world.

Have you ever taken your tweens to a craft show or let them sell their art at a public forum? How did it go? Got any tips to share?

Excerpts of this article first appeared in the print edition of the Danville Advocate Messenger 1/31/16.

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