Things I am Learning from my Author Mom
I’ve learned so much from my mom as I’ve watched her navigate the steps of writing and publishing three books. When my grandmother died in my early 20s, Mom inherited a box of old photos, letters, diaries, and newspaper articles that my great aunt Hallie had saved. That tattered box started a twenty-five-year journey to write a book about Hallie’s life and what enabled her to live with an attitude of gratefulness and an ability to say, “Wonderful, Wonderful” even when life was far from perfect. Today, I am sharing a few things I am learning from my Author Mom (and sharing how you can order her books).
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Things I am Learning from My Author Mom
Visit the Past, but Don’t Stay There
The past is a great place to visit but a terrible place to live. I have watched Mom do family research my entire adult life and discover some amazing treasures. She has done detailed research on the life of my great Aunt Hallie, and studied letters, city directories, and family pictures. Along the way, there have been fascinating discoveries – some emotionally heavy. Mom continues to remind me that when we find out details about family history illness, death or heartaches, remember that those pains have already been dealt with. It may be sad at the time you learn the details but remember that if we choose to stay there, we lose the joy of the present.

Treasured Quiet Moments

Along the Way – Scribbles on Scraps 2

Treasures of the Tattered Box
Don’t Worry About the Future
The opposite is also true. If we live each day worried about the future, then we miss out on the joys of the present. Mom does a good job reminding me by her example that tomorrow will take care of itself. This is a recurring theme reflected in her book and personal life. Sure, there will be problems in the future, but there will also be amazing experiences and mountaintops that you can never imagine. Some of the stories that Mom uncovered were a good reminder to me that we need to hold on to joy even though we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.
You’re Never too Old to Finish a Dream
Mom dreamed of becoming a published author from her young elementary days, but the actual book had to wait till 2021. Along the way, she wrote poems, Bible School curriculums, camp programs, articles for various publications like Upper Room, SBC Life, and Campus Life, but she still dreamed of writing a book.
Mom took a break from college so she could raise us kids, live life, and support their church ministries. But at the age of 50, Mom walked across the platform with her college English degree. and in 2021, she officially became a published author. You’re never too old to finish a dream – no matter what age you are.

Every Day is an Adventure
You know that life is never boring or predictable when you are with Ritchie Hale. When you read Treasures of the Tattered Box, you get to experience many of these adventures that she went on with my grandparents in their later years. As they got older and their health started to fail, Mom would often help them into the car and head off on another ‘adventure’. Sometimes it would involve something amazing, and other adventures would be something quite ordinary, but each outing would be far from boring.

Stay Calm in the Storm
When life turns upside down, the best person in the world to call is Mom. She is the most calm person in every storm – addressing the drama or chaos in a step-by-step approach. After the emergency is under control, that’s when it’s time to process and deal with the emotions.
I’m so proud of Mom for having a dream to write a book and then doing the hard work to bring this dream to reality. You can learn more about her book journey on her website – Another Ritch Publication.
About the book
Ritchie was fourteen years old when she first met her great aunt Hallie and fully expected her to be a frumpy old lady. She was wrong. Thirty years later an old tattered box bound together with frayed twine containing treasures and keepsakes, would lead Ritchie on a twenty-five year journey, often accompanied by her mother-in-law. They would visit six states and journey nearly fifteen thousand miles.
When her first book was published, we celebrated the release of Mom’s Book with a few table decorations and her first book signing. It’s been an amazing process as we watched Mom follow this dream and get the book published.

Have you read this book yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Order today on!
Sharon, as you know, I loved every page of this book. Your mom is such a perceptive person. Her writing brings out every kind of emotion from joy to tears. I feel so blessed to be related and to get to know more about Ritchie, Mom H (Hazel to me) and Aunt Hallie. So far I have given two copies to friends as gifts. I can think of no better gift to give a friend than this book.