clueless soccer mom

This Clueless Soccer Mom

There’s alot of things I can do well. Need help writing a blog article using html code? No problem. Trying to get Amazing Grace in a singable key for an impromptu quartet? Easy! I can modulate on the spot and make that piano talk! Want to come up with a fun craft with the kids? No sweat! But playing the role of a soccer mom? Nope! I’ve got no experience there! Here are some of the things this clueless soccer mom has learned the last few months as my son played Upward Soccer for the first time.

This Clueless Soccer Mom

I have a confession, my kids have never played league sports. They’re 6,8 and 11 and this is really the first time we’ve ventured into the world of organized sports. (OK, there was a brief experience last year with school basketball, but strep and tonsils ended that before we could really get rolling.) I am learning a whole new language in a brand new world.

So, for the very few moms like me who are clueless about kids playing organized sports, this is for you!


Pick a League

In our area, the Rec league soccer is very competitive and travels to neighboring counties regularly. That translates to many school nights when the team may be playing a game an hour away. With young kids, this is not a great option for my family. We chose instead to play Upward Soccer which practices once a week and plays on the home field on Saturday mornings. Before you just sign up for the first league choice, consider the time and travel requirements.

Our Experience with Upward Soccer
We have absolutely loved Upward. Each player gets to play an equal amount of time. That is perfect for those players that don’t have much experience or are just learning the game. It has a laid back feel, but don’t be fooled into thinking that the players and coaches aren’t competitive.

Upward is church affiliated which means that each practice has time set aside for a brief devotional and prayer. Time outs and half-time are filled with Christian Contemporary Music. Coaches are consistently promoting Christian values.

I am already planning to sign up 2 of our kids next year for Upward Soccer. My daughter can’t wait to join the team, too!

Get the Gear

All soccer players will need soccer cleats. Fortunately, I was able to score the cleats for less than $5.00 on clearance this spring. But I didn’t realize that there are different types of cleats. Baseball cleats have an extra cleat on the front bottom of the shoe. Some soccer leagues will require you to have only soccer cleats. So know before you spend the money. Tip: I have heard that some parents who have the wrong cleats will just use a razor blade and shave off the extra cleat.

Note the extra cleat at the top of the toe?  That is the difference between soccer and baseball cleats.
Note the extra cleat at the top of the toe? That is the difference between soccer and baseball cleats.

Basic Gear Needed
Soccer Shin Guards – (costs $5.00 – $8.00)

Soccer Socks – (costs $5.00-$8.00)

Soccer Cleats – ($25 and up; Always check for clearance at Walmart. I scored mine for $5.00)

Get ready to Get Wet

Soccer plays ‘rain or shine’! As long as there is no lightning, the game goes on! We have gotten really good at grabbing the umbrella and ponchos for the games.

Soccer in the Rain
Soccer in the Rain

Spring Soccer has just ended and the kids are already getting excited about next season. I can see that I may be a soccer mom for many more seasons – and that’s a good thing!

Are your kids involved in organized sports? Got any tips for a new mom like me? What’s your favorite part of league sports? I’d love to hear!

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