The Fourth Fisherman Book Review

I have seen this book as a choice for me to read from a book bloggers program for several months and skipped past it. To be honest, I just couldn’t figure out if this book was for me. But when I got The Fourth Fisherman: How Three Mexican Fishermen Who Came Back from the Dead Changed My Life and Saved My Marriage in the mail and started the first chapter, I was captivated by the story. I don’t know how I missed this news event about the three Mexican fisherman who were lost at sea for nine months, but their experience is an amazing story of faith and survival.

The Fourth Fisherman Book Review

This is the story of five Mexican fishermen who went out for a 3 day fishing trip. This was supposed to be a routine job. Five men started the trip, but only three made it home nine months later. The three surviving fisherman survived by eating raw fish, drinking turtles blood and the rain water they could collect from some empty gas cans. There is one physical object that they credit with saving their lives – the Bible brought on board by one of the men. Their survival story is not pretty, but it shows the amazing determination of these three men who would not quit.

This book is also the story of Joe Kissack who was living as a successful Hollywood personality. From the outside, the life of Joe was amazing and filled with everything that money can buy. But behind the scenes, Joe was drifting through life using drugs and alcohol to hide his insecurities and failures. He finally reached the breaking point and entered a rehab program where he found God.

This book was completely different than I expected. I was very pleasantly surprised with how interested I became in this modern day survival story and the story of how Hollywood is not always what it seems on the outside. There are some choices that the author made that left his family stuck in a bind. I can’t imagine how hard it was for his wife and daughters while he was pursuing this mission to write the book and work on the movie.

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About the Book
We each came to a moment of brokenness; what we found there was God. And he was enough.

It was the subject of headlines around the world: Three Mexican fishermen in a small open boat without any supplies, drifting for more than nine months and 5,500 miles across the Pacific Ocean. Through blistering sun and threatening storms, they battle starvation, dehydration, hopelessness, and death. Their lifelines? An unwavering faith and a tattered Bible.

Thousands of miles away, Joe Kissack, a successful Hollywood executive, personified the American dream. He enjoyed the trappings of the good life: a mini mansion, sports cars, and more. He had it made. Yet the intense pressure of his driven and high-powered career sends him into a downward spiral, driving him deep into suicidal depression, insidious addictions, and alienation from his family. His lifelines? A friend and a Bible on the table between them.

Thoughtfully told with candor and humor, Kissack weaves together the incredible true voyage of fishermen adrift in the sea and his own life’s journey as a man lost in the world. It is a story that will buoy your spirit and renew your hope and faith.

About the author
Joe Kissack is a pretty regular guy. He is also a speaker, author, screenwriter, publisher, film and television producer, executive,and an entrepreneur. He has worked on a farm, cleaned out refrigerated swinging beef trucks, pushing cow hearts, kidneys, and lungs into a drain, been a senior executive at Sony Pictures, and served as CEO of major internet content company now owned by a cable network. He has lived out many of his dreams and lived through some of his worst nightmares.

Kissack wrote The Fourth Fisherman based on his own life’s journey, and his interactions with the Tres Pescadores during hundreds of hours spent with them. He researched the circumstances surrounding this story, sat in on every major interview involving Tres Pescadores, and recorded dozens of hours of video material. He didn’t want to write this book himself, but soon realized no one else really could write it, but him.

He wrote a screenplay based on this story before he wrote this book. The film is titled ALPHAOMEGA, and Cannes Film Festival award winning director, Spiros Stathoulopoulos has signed on to direct.

As a 20+-year veteran of the television, entertainment, publishing, and multimedia worlds, Joe has a diversified wealth of knowledge and experience. Known for his creativity, knowledge of sales and marketing, relationship building, and family values, he has founded and entertainment company, Ezekiel 22 Productions, partnered in the publishing world with the award winning storytelling company, August House Publishers, overseen a multi media company, HowStuffWorks, managed domestic sales and marketing efforts of dozens of nationally syndicated television shows and feature films, including the multibillion dollar assets of “Seinfeld” and hundreds of motion pictures.

Currently, Joe divides his time between family, speaking and writing his next book, and working with North Point Community Church. He lives in Atlanta Georgia with his wife of 26 years, Carmen and their two daughters.

I received this book from Blogging for Books Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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