Thankful Moments in Time

Each of us have moments in time that bring tears to our eyes, a smile to our face or a lump to our throat. Those are the thankful moments that we remember, share and unite family and friends. Recently a friend experienced a serious bump in the road when she went to deliver her baby. When she was finally able to hold the 3 day old baby for the first time, all of us on Facebook sent up a huge cheer and prayer of thankfulness. It also made me remember our 3 days with our baby in NICU. I could almost not work while many of us “mommas” celebrated her thankful moment!

Those thankful moments in time are something that we all share.

Thankful Moments in Time

Here are some of my thankful moments:

thankful moments

When I was finally able to hold and cuddle my baby after being in the NICU for 3 days!

When we finally heard my brother’s voice after he sailed in a small sailboat with 2 other guys across the Pacific ocean for 3 weeks, we all shared a thankful moment! It was a moment where we all celebrated, knowing he had safely navigated some rough days at sea.

The day we finally saw a positive pregnancy sign on the test strip after many years of thinking that day would never come!

Three different moments when all 3 of our children made the biggest decision of their lives and became a Christian.

When I hear the 3 kids playing together in the living room with laughter and giggles.

The day I said “I Do”!

Throughout the day I will add more thankful moments!

What moments do you celebrate?

On this last day of 2013, let’s celebrate the thankful moments in time that we have each experienced. Together, we can share the joys and the moments that make life special!

Happy New Year!

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