Alan Kay - Winner of Alone, History Channel

Survival Tips from Alan Kay

Our family enjoys watching survival shows. One of our favorite shows that we got hooked on last year was Alone on the History Channel. This past weekend when we were at the NRA Convention, we had the unique opportunity to score an impromptu interview with season 1 winner, Alan Kay! Since I always have my phone at the ready, I was able to record these survival tips and share them with you.

survival tips with Alan Kay:  Alone on History Channel

Survival Tips from Alan Kay

We knew Alan Kay was going to be attending the NRA Convention on Saturday but we didn’t know where or when he would be signing autographs. We kept our eyes out as we were touring the booths in the exhibit hall. Did I mention that this place was busy?

sharon and kids

There were thousands of people in the Convention Center. As we were getting ready to leave, my husband spotted a familiar face. We walked up to Alan Kay and asked for a picture. Alan was very gracious and took some time to not only take pictures with our family but also spent a few minutes talking to us.

Alan Kay - Winner of Alone, History Channel

I followed up our picture time with one question and these are the great tips we got! Guess what we are adding to our survival stash?

What tips do you have for a young survivalist?

Alan Kay: Tips on Survival

Tip: Always carry a Metal Box so you will be ready for any emergency!

About Alan Kay

Alan was born and raised in Georgia, where he spent the majority of his childhood in the forests making shelters with his beloved hatchet. His passion for the woods grew as the years passed, and by the time he was in his 20s, Alan had acquired the skills and mindset necessary to adapt and survive in any environment.

The thing that impressed us the most about Alan Kay was his willingness to spend time with us. Many celebrities would have taken a quick picture and then moved on; but not Alan. When I followed up with the question about any tips for a young survivor, he motioned us over to the wall and proceeded to give us some personal tips directed not just to me and my husband but very much engaged with my kids.

Alan, if you read this post, please know that we appreciate your genuine friendliness and interest in our family! Thanks for the taking the time to talk to us!

Connect with Alan on Facebook and Twitter.

What tips do you have for survival? Do you carry a metal box with you? What is the #1 thing you think is essential to survival?

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Click Here to order Ultimate Survival!

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