portable hammock

How to Keep Kids Reading All Summer

Some kids love to read and can’t get enough of their newest books. But others need a little more motivation. With our family, we go through books like some people go through new movies. If you have a family of readers, then you know that summer is a great time to catch up on some great books. Summer reading programs are a great way to keep your kids reading while school is out of session.

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How to Keep Kids Reading this Summer

Sign up for Summer Reading Programs:

Most libraries have summer reading challenges for kids of all ages. Check with your local branch to see what programs they are offering for the kids. Typically, these summer library programs offer free books as prizes for completion of the challenge.

Earn Free Books:

Barnes & Noble Summer Reading

The Barnes & Noble Summer Program is here to encourage elementary kids to read books of your own choosing and earn a FREE book, simply by following these three easy steps: Read any eight books this summer and record them in your Summer Reading Journal. Tell us which part of the book is your favorite, and why. Go to a store before September 5 and choose your FREE reading adventure from the book list featured on the back of the journal.

Free Audiobooks for Teens:

SYNC is a free summer audiobook program for teens 13+. SYNC will give away two complete audiobook downloads a week – based on weekly themes.

Chuck E Cheese

Download and print out Chuck E Cheese Rewards Calendars. Mark the days off with a pen or sticker as your child accomplishes their goals. Bring in a completed calendar to Chuck E. Cheese’s and receive 10 free tokens as a reward.

Read free Amazon Kindle Books:

If you have a Kindle reader, then you can download hundreds of ebooks for free. You simply browse the categories you are interested in and then download the book. It will typically sync up immediately with your Kindle or app on your phone.

Listen to Books in the Car

If you are going to spend any time in the vehicle traveling this next month, stop by the library first and check out an audiobook. You can all enjoy listening to Chronicles of Narnia or a Harry Potter book while passing the miles. Even young children can learn to follow long story lines as long as you take a few minutes periodically to stop and catch them up. It’s amazing how a young child will develop the ability to retain information from a book even though it’s technically above their level.

Offer Incentives:

If your children are not excited or motivated to read, don’t be afraid to offer incentives. Some kids would much prefer electronics to books. No problem. For every 15 minutes of book time, they can earn 5 minutes of electronics. You just may find that your kids are reading more than you expect.

If you have at least two trees in your backyard, then you and your kids definitely need a travel hammock. These little hammocks are so easy to put up when the kids are ready to read a book!
It’s just a perfect place to dive into a new adventure book!

portable hammock

Set an Example:

You can’t expect your children to love books if you don’t read books yourself. Even though life gets busy, I still make time to read. With free e-books available for Kindle, iphone or ipads, it’s even easier to carry around an entire library. I make a point to grab a book anytime I leave the house in case I find myself waiting with a few extra minutes.

I’ve been using the Libby App on my phone and always have a book in process.

Do you and your kids love to read? What book are you in the middle of right now? Do you know of other summer reading programs? I’d love to hear!

New Book Recommendations

Pick up some new books for the kids and keep them motivated all summer long!

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