Easy Ways to Say Thanks

It’s almost Thanksgiving season. Who or what do you have in your life that you can be thankful for? It may have been a roller coaster of a year, but there are still so many reasons to be thankful! Today, let’s spend a few minutes and think about all the things we are thankful for and find some easy ways to say thanks to those around us!

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Easy Ways to Say Thanks

One year I was challenged to write a list of everything I was thankful for. The first 20 or so things were the most obvious, general things – God, family, friends, America, home, church, health, food, etc. But then it became a bit more detailed. The longer I thought about it, the more I thought about things that I was thankful for. I even found myself being thankful for dirty laundry (because this proves that my family is active and able to be involved in life).

We have so many things to be thankful for and a million ways to say thanks. Here are some easy ideas to help you say thanks to family members, friends, neighbors, and even strangers.

Share a Pie

Do you have a neighbor who is sick and unable to get out? Why not pick up an extra frozen pie at the grocery and share it with them? You could add a pretty bow or card and make it a special treat. Maybe you could bake a pie and drop it off at the police station or firehouse.

Pay for Your Neighbor’s Gas

Next time when you are at the gas station, go inside and pay instead of using your card at the pump. Just ask the attendant to add another person’s gas to your bill.

Say Thanks with
Well Gifted

Looking for an instant gift to say thank you? Check out gift boxes for every occasion.

Share a Hot Cup of Tea

I’ve recently been enjoying a hot cup of tea in the morning before I really start the day. I pull out my favorite mug a comfy couch blanket, turn on the lamp and enjoy the early morning moments before the day gets busy and take some quiet time. Since this is such a relaxing way to start the day for me, I want to share this with others.

Pick up a box of your favorite hot tea varieties and create a simple gift.

Buy breakfast for a stranger

We’ve all heard of Random Acts of Kindness, but how often have we done them ourselves? When you pull through the drive-through, just ask to pay for the person’s order behind you.

Visit an Older Relative or Neighbor

Some people say that time is more valuable than money. It’s never truer than when it comes to visiting older relatives. The older generation is often content to just sit and talk. Take the time this holiday season to reminisce with the old folks. Put away the phones and listen to them tell their favorite stories – even if it’s the same ones they tell all the time.

Tip: When they start talking, ask permission to record their stories. I started recording some of my Grandma’s memories several years ago just using my phone. The whole family is now able to share these memories.

Make a Call

Sometimes it’s not always possible to be with the family you love on the holidays. But with our current technology, we can still connect. Take the time to make a phone call, or use Facetime to talk to the absent members.

Write a Card

You can pick up a box of thank you notes and some blank cards or pull out your Cricut and make a handmade card. It doesn’t take a lot of time to have to mail out cards to make a difference.

Share a pack of Gum

One year the kids and I put together some little packs of Extra gum with a note saying “Thanks for all the EXTRA things you do”. We shared it with some special people as a fun way to say thanks for the things they do.

Set up the Christmas Tree

Older folks love the Christmas decorations as much as the kids but it’s harder for them to do the work of decorating. One of our Thanksgiving traditions is setting up the tree for several family members. We head over to their house at the beginning of the holidays pull out the ornaments, tree, lights, and stockings, and turn their house into a Christmas spectacular.

Send a Message in a Bottle

Say thanks to your special friends by sending a plastic bottle in the mail with a note and some fun surprises!

What are you thankful for this holiday season? Take a few minutes to share your thanks with those you love and with some strangers as well. I’d love to hear the ways you plan to share Thanksgiving!

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