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Save your Quilt Memories

If you make quilts or afghans, chances are you have given many away. You just can’t keep all your quilts and blankets that you make – there’s not enough closet space. Plus, the beautiful thing about a quilt is that it is made to be treasured and loved. It becomes a family heirloom that should be remembered. Here’s a journal that I found years ago that you may want to buy to help you save your quilt memories.

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Save your Quilt Memories

My Grandmother has made many quilts and afghans in her 93 years. She has given many away as wedding or anniversary gifts. She has shared them with her grandkids and now her great grandkids.

grandma and kids afghan

When she turned 90, I found this quilt journal to help share her stories. I gathered pictures of as many of her quilts and afghans that I could. The ones she had in her home I stretched out and took pictures of. I contacted family members and friends and requested pictures of as many as we could find.

Then I sat down and asked her the stories of each of the quilts and afghans. Many of them had a special story. I wanted to know who she made them for, why did she pick those colors or fabric, where did she get the materials… Anything she could remember about them.

When I purchased the journal for her, I bought one for myself as well. I only have about 10 additions to the book, but it is still a treasure. A journal like this helps us save the quilt memories for the next generation.

quilt journal

Where to purchase a quilt journal

The journal that I purchased is no longer available but there are many other options. Several of the quilt journals even have a place to save a scrap piece of the fabric.

Gift tip: This would be a great present to give the quilter or crafter on your gift list!

However you choose to save your quilt memories, this is something important and worth spending a little time on. Do you keep a journal like this? I’d love to see it!

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