
Rock House Natural Arch: Jamestown, Kentucky

Don’t you love it when you find an unexpected treasure near where you live? This past week our family took a quick drive less than an hour from our home and discovered one of the coolest natural bridges we’ve ever seen. We’ve of course hiked to the Natural Bridge in Red River Gorge several times but I had no idea we were going to find this Natural Arch in our part of Kentucky. The Creelsboro Natural Arch (also known as Rock House Natural Arch) is located in Jamestown, Kentucky just 30 minutes from the Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery and Cumberland Dam.


Rock House Natural Arch: Jamestown, Kentucky

To access the Natural Arch, you drive off onto a gravel road with lots of potholes. While we were there, a few 4 wheelers drove past and we saw a couple pick up trucks with drivers ready to go fishing off the banks. Once you park, you just hike a short distance over a rough trail down to the creek bed. I’m guessing when the tide is high that there might be more water, but we were able to hike right under the bridge. á1


According to, this is the largest natural bridge east of the Rockies, spanning 104 feet. It is located on private land, but is accessible to the public.

Here are some pictures of the Rock House Natural Arch to help you experience the fun! I’m sure this is a place we will definitely be revisiting with our extended family.


side of arch_tn
luke 2_tn
kids on rock 2_tn

We wanted to hike to the top and walk across but it was muddy from recent rains and snow which made the uneven, steep trail too much for the family. However, my husband went on ahead and enjoyed the view from the top of the Stone Bridge.

shannon on top of arch_tn

You can barely see him up on the trail. See the blue dot? Did I mention it was a bit steep for the kids? They are great hikers, but we didn’t want any nasty slips on this adventure.

climbing down_tn



Have you been to the Rock House Natural Bridge? What is your favorite natural arch to explore? I’d love to hear!

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  1. We where not able to get down and see. Was very wet and no path to get down. Still really pretyy

  2. My wife and I have been to Rock House Natural Arch a few times. The mountain top above the arch has an old Indian burial ground, it is not easy to see but it is there, the little Creelsboro town has an old abandoned house around corner and it is rumored to have been a bank back in the day and was robbed by Jesse James, later sold and converted into a residential home. This is a great area to explore. I’m a photographer and love the history and stories the people in the area have to share

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