7 Real Tips for Busy Moms
Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t get it all done? The house is a mess, work is behind and you realize that you haven’t been to a gym in months. There are countless self-help books and courses you can take, but who has time for that? Here are 7 tips for busy Moms to help you get your life back under control.
7 Real Tips for Busy Moms
Count your Steps
I don’t do gym memberships. In fact, I don’t even do exercise videos or work out on a regular basis. Sure, it would be awesome if I did, but it just doesn’t fit my personality or my lifestyle. Instead I count steps! I love to track progress and see growth, so I downloaded a simple app to my phone called My Fitness Pal. I leave my phone in my pocket all day so that it automatically tracks my steps. I aim for 10,000 steps each day and don’t always make my goal, but at least I have a goal!
Don’t Buy New Totes
I refuse to buy new tote boxes. I have plenty of boxes with good lids in my house, garage and basement. When I get started cleaning and feel the urge to buy a new tote, I look at what I am already storing and see if there is a way to clear out one of the boxes I already have. Many times, I will find that I have been storing things I no longer need or want. The kids may have outgrown some of the out-of-season clothes or I find that I don’t really need to keep the entire collection of white mugs that I was saving.
Start with the dirty clothes
With a family of 5, we always have mountains of laundry. I try not to complain about laundry because dirty clothes mean my family is healthy, involved and active. But in all honesty, the chore of doing laundry is not always fun. One of the first things I do in the morning is start a load of clothes. That way, I always have clothes in process and can theoretically stay on top of the mess.
Clean the kitchen at night.
The last thing I do each night is start the dishwasher. I love waking up in the morning to a clean kitchen. It takes about 15 minutes extra at night, but the pay off in the morning is worth it!
Have 1 “off-limits Clean Zone”
My middle counter is my “off limits – Clean Zone”. The family knows that my counter is my space! If the middle counter is clean, my world is ok. I overlook many messes that come with having a family, but don’t mess with my middle counter. Pick a spot that matters to you and then make sure it stays clean.
Use a Calendar
Whether you prefer a paper calendar, white board on the refrigerator or an app on your phone, find a system that works for you. I prefer to stay organized using the Google Calendar app on my phone and computer. I am able to keep all my appointments, work meetings, kid’s school activities and notifications in one place. I set the app to alert me with a text or email so I don’t miss any events.
Take Baby Steps
It’s impossible to think you can clean your house and take back your life in one afternoon. Look around your house and find one area that bugs you. Maybe the book shelf is a mess or the hall closet has become a catch all for everyone’s winter coats and boots. Tackle just that one spot and then enjoy the good feeling that comes with seeing a clean spot in your house
What tips do you have for keeping your life just a bit more organized? I’d love to hear!