brother ptouch25

Organizing My Life

One of these days we’re going to sell our house. It’s been on the market for 17 months so sometimes we give up hope. But in the back of our mind, we know that it will eventually sell. One of the things that I have been working on is organizing our life so we don’t have to move a bunch of junk. That involves several different things. I am getting rid of stuff we don’t need, storing the things that we can live without but we need to keep and then organizing the things so we can find them when we need them.

Organizing My Life #Ptouch25

I have always been a believer in the concept of “If you can’t find something, then you will end up paying more”. There are so many things that we end up saving for that time down the road when we will need it; but then when that time comes, we can’t find the item.

Now that the holidays are over, I have been able to refocus on the “cleaning out – clearing up” projects in our house. This past week, we tackled my daughter’s closet. She has several buckets in the closet storing important things; but without labels, it’s hard to remember which bucket has which items. So we grabbed the Brother PTouch Label maker and got the closet organized. Now, my daughter can easily find which bucket has the crafts, horses or tea party hats and dishes.

closet organization

Easy to Use

There are some gadgets that have so many bells and whistles that you can’t use them without studying a manual. This Brother label maker does alot of things; but what it does the best is make simple labels. We experimented with the pretty designs, fonts, and characters, but when it came time to do the serious work of organizing, I just gave the label maker to my kids and had them make a label while I finished putting the stuff in the crates. I love the fact that even my 6 year old was easily able to make a label.

Cost of Ownership

brother ptouch25 #ad, label maker

The one problem with label makers and products like this is that you will need to replace the ribbon at some point. The Brother Ptouch Handheld Label Maker (PTH100) is specially priced at $20.99 right now on! Of course you can purchase it at most office stores where they will be having special promotions and deals. The Brother Laminated Tape costs around $10 or less. And don’t forget to keep 6 AA batteries on hand to keep it running. We have made countless labels around our house, in the garage and on our Christmas decorations and just changed the batteries this past week.

Now that my official review for this product is coming to a close, you might be curious if I will continue to use this label maker? My answer is a definite YES! I may allow my husband to borrow it for his office so he can label some file shelves and cabinets, but then it is going to help me continue to clean up and organize my life!

Do you use a label maker in your quest to be organized? I’d love to hear your thoughts and tips on getting organized and staying clutter free!

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