How to Organize School Pictures
How do you organize school pictures? Now that the school year is over, this is a great time to close out everything from the school year. Every year I buy their school pictures, but I can’t even find the ones from the previous years. What a mess! I needed to find a super easy way to organize school pictures.
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How to Organize School Pictures
The hardest part of getting school pictures organized is finding them all. They were stored in lots of random boxes and files. Once I found all of them, I sorted them by child and then started organizing them by year. It’s much harder than I would have thought to sort through 10 years of school pictures and decide which ones were which grade.

I have tons of Clear Sheet Protectors left over from all my days as an accompanist, so I just borrowed from an old music binder and used them to get my pictures organized. Maybe some day when I have more time I’ll go through and make pretty little labels showing the years or the grade, but for now I’m just thrilled to have them all in one place where I can easily find them.

It’s amazing how quickly the kids change. I love being able to flip through the school years and remember their favorite outfits, smiles, missing teeth and hairstyles! And just think…. it didn’t cost me a penny!

You can order Sheet Protectors from Amazon or look for them at your local Office store. And of course there are some really need ways to display the school pictures for each year! Check out some of these options available on!
I was working to take this picture for the post and kept getting photo bombed!

Do you have your kid’s school pictures organized? Got any special ways that work for you? I’d love to hear!
I think I’m on the right track with my grandkids yearly photos. I decided to use the same kind of photo books and label them by age or year. I place each event in the book as they take place and by all means label with event and date and sometimes with names if there are other people on the picture. I use a separate book for Christmas and birthday parties for each child. Yes l know this can give a number of photo books but it works for me and it look like a library shelf I purchase shelves from IKEA and it looks good. I also use this method for family pictures both sides of our family. I keep everything but it’s organized l THINK😁 I have documents of graduations, wedding, etc. that my family and friends didn’t keep themselves.
I have 3 grown children and 8 grandkids and I am overwhelmed with pictures of just these 2 generations! And that is not even counting the digital ones. Don’t get me started on the family pictures from 4 sides that go clear back to tin types. Throw in several moves and downsizing and you can imagine my picture chaos. For the past 3 days I have gathered and sorted many boxes and albums to gather all in one place the school pictures of my 3 kids and the group family portraits. I have done it in the same way you mention here by child and year in sleeves.
I think for the school years it will be fun to have all 3 kids pictures from each year together on the photo book
pages. Perhaps the child the album is for in a larger size and then the siblings photos smaller but right there.
I have a few years like that with my own school pictures and my big brothers and they always make me smile.
A project I did several years ago for my parents as a Christmas gift (it took several months to complete) was to make an album of all the portraits only (I limited the scope of my project at the beginning) of our family from their wedding day up to when I did the project. I used both professional and home portraits and I kept the layout simple. I worked first to find as many pictures as I could and to put them in year order as I found them. (Oh, and I also scanned all the pictures as I went to have back ups of them.) I found a simple but elegant stamp I liked to use as labels and stamped and cut out a LOT of them! I chose scrapbook paper that complimented each photo. Because I had many 8×10 school portraits I used a 12×12 scrapbook with top loading pages so I could move pages as I came across more photos to fit in. Every page was the same in that the background paper was a patterned paper that complimented the photo and each page used the same label held on by the same brad. With those “rules” I was then able to more easily assemble the album because practically the only thing left to consider was balancing the left side and right side of the spread (8×10 on one side/2 5×7 on the other side, etc). Also the project took 2 albums and using the same album for both also made the project more cohesive.
What a great project! Love the way you set some ‘rules’ to make your project go smoother!
I love this idea!!!
Great idea!!! My kids are 41 and 45 so I have soooo much catching up to do!!!! The oldest grandchild is 21, then 13 and 16!!! Then the youngest are 1 & 2 so I am trying very hard to limit my photo taking and organizing the pictures a.s.a.p!!! (When the 2 year old was born I had a total of 2000 pics in the first month!! and because of covid, didn’t even meet him until he was 1 year and 1/2!!) Ask your kids if they are older of the school year….both my kdis remember their pictures by the hair cut or the madonna era or Debbie Gibson era or the era he wore only joggers or the era when he thought he was a rapper!! LOL!! It will at least dwindle the time period down!!
Love it! I have been overwhelmed with the tons of school pictures I have of my four kids. The youngest is just starting her school picture journey, she is only 3. I have attempted to organize my collection by separating the group of pictures of each child in a box and that is as far as I have gone with it.
Photobombs are the best!
Excellent idea! Thank you and LOL @ ur son’s photo bomb that was so cute!