Online Tour of Christmas Trees
Merry Christmas friends and family! Do you have your Christmas Tree up and decorated? We want to see how it looks! Take a few minutes to enjoy the Annual OnlineTour of Christmas Trees. So whether your tree looks more like the Charlie Brown Tree, an evergreen in your front yard or a traditional tree in the living room, we’d love for you to share! #ChristmasTreeTour
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The Falling Tree of 2020
Last year we had an interesting experience with our tree. It did what many trees over the years has done – it came crushing down while I was on a work meeting. Fortunately, we only lost two ornaments and we were able to get it standing again. We balanced in a 5 gallon bucket of concrete the rest of the 2020 season! It’s not going anywhere again! But that means I have a new tree in 2021. Have you ever had this happen?

Online Tour of Christmas Trees
Over the past 9 years, friends and family from all around the world have shared their Christmas trees with us here on Hobbies on a Budget. These trees represent amazing creativity and special memories. Maybe you need a new idea for a Christmas tree to change things up this year? Or maybe you just love the Christmas season and welcome this opportunity to peak into the living room of others who are dreaming about the most wonderful time of the year.
Join us and click on each picture to see how friends and family have decorated their trees and get ready to share your tree as soon as you have it up and ready in your home!

Our first Christmas tree was a little less than amazing but it was such a special tree. If you look really closely, you may be able to see the string that was holding it up to keep it from falling!

These Christmas trees are a little look back as we enjoy the pictures from years past in our family.

Trees from around the World
One year, we reached out to friends around the world and asked them for pictures of their trees.

What does your Christmas tree look like this year? We’d love to see it!