favorite children's picture books

10 Favorite Children’s Books

When my kids were little, we read books all the time. Some of my best memories are of time spent cuddled up on the couch or before bed reading some of our favorite books. I’ve collected several of our favorite children’s books to share with you. There are several more that I wanted to add to the list, but had to be knocked off the top 10. Here’s my favorite children’s books – Mom-approved and Children’s Thumbs Up!!

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My Favorite Children’s Books

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom: Anniversary Edition
Will there be enough room? If you’ve ever read this book, you know that it’s catchy. I don’t think I will ever forget the sound of my kids saying “oh no!!! Chicka chicka BOOM BOOM! as all the alphabet letters come toppling down!

Bear Snores On
All the books by Karma Wilson are favorites in our house! She uses such descriptive words that are not common in children’s story books but really express the story. We love them. The kids have always had so much fun helping me read these stories to them. In each of Wilson’s books, there is a phrase that repeats that even the youngest child can echo…. “but BEAR SNores ON!”

Bear Wants More
Another of the bear series by Karma Wilson, Big bear has just awakened from a long winters nap and is hungry. His friends all help him find plenty to eat to fill his empty belly.

What Makes a Rainbow?
This book was given to us when my oldest was just a baby. I love the way it goes through each of the colors of the rainbow and compares them to an animal or something the kids can relate. I’ve always added an extra 2 lines in the end of the story. “Now we know what makes a rainbow, but WHO makes the rainbow? God” What sweet times reading this story with my kids.

My Many Colored Days
This is a great book for helping kids understand the way everyone has mood changes throughout their days. On the mixed up day, I’ve often compared the picture to how I felt on many of my pregnant days! “But it all turns out alright you see, and I go back to being ME!”

The Napping House
My Mom gave us this book several years ago and it has become a family favorite. Have you read it? Take a look at the expressions on the cat, dog and grandmas face. Priceless! The kids love having me read it but they love even more the time we take studying what’s happening on each page and looking for the little hidden expressions.

I Promise I’ll Find You
I’ve always read this to my children and made them the promise that ‘no matter where they are, if ever they’re apart from me…. I’ll search til I find you!”. There’s only 1 page in the whole book where the little boy with the red shirt is not shown. Believe me – we’ve searched! This is a classic story to show just how far a Mother’s love will go!

Pigs Can’t Fly!
This is a silly book with a huge message. The poor little pig is so dissatisfied with his life because he can’t do the things the rest of his animal friends can do. It’s not till the end of the book that he realizes just how much fun it is to roll in the mud. Great book about being content with who you are!

Guess How Much I Love You
The kids and I regularly play the game of “I love you this much”. I’ll say I love you more than all the chocolate in the world. The kids will tell me “that’s alot of love” BUT…. then they have to beat that statement. Thanks to this book we have one more way to share the love between us.

Little Quack This is a great book that teaches my kids to be brave and test new things. Little Quack is so scared to try to swim. But in the end, he stretches himself and realizes that he can do it. I love the statement the mommy duck says at the end – “You did it, but I always knew you could!”

Now that the kids are a bit older, they are still great readers! But now they can read on their own. If you are looking for some tips to keep your kids reading all summer, take a look at these tips.

Keep Your Kids Reading

What are your favorite children’s books? Do you share any of my favorites? I’d love to hear!

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  1. We loved Goodnight Moon and 10 Minutes till Bedtime when the girls were little. I also love The Giving Tree and You are Special (Max Lucado).

  2. These books bring back so many memories. my kids are 18, 15, and almost 13…..but I still remember reading to them daily! Guess How much I love you…….I’d say, “I love you to the moon…” and they’d say “And back!” brings tears to my eyes thinking how quickly they’ve grown up…but I’m proud of who they’ve become and are becoming. 🙂
    Thanks for the teary-eyed memories. 🙂

  3. sadly, i didn’t recognize any of these titles because no dont have little ones. but, i must say, books have changed since i was a kid. im 27

  4. Love this list! Chicka Chicka Boom Boom was a fav of my daughter. our favorite and still is Good Night Moon. She is 11 and still loves when I read to her.

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this list!! I plan on checking some of these out at our local liibrary. I love to read to my two boys with autism. God Bless!

  6. I’d love to see your top 10!!! I’m guessing the biggest bear book will be included?!?! 🙂 I’m trying hard to think what else will be on your list!!!!!!!!

  7. We have and love so many of the same books! I am going to look up the ones we haven’t read. Thanks!

  8. NOOOO! I didn’t know it was out!!!!! Guess I’m going straight to the library this week! Karma Wilson is the best!

  9. You’re right the nutbrown hare words get pretty gummy in my mouth. I often just skip the names and tell the story withut reading them every time! But I love the story anyway – just have to take mommy priviliges lol 🙂

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