Quilted Hearts and Pillows

When I was just a little over a year old, my Mom drove from Missouri to Kentucky to introduce me to my Great-Grandmother Pearl Brown. Grandmother had been piecing together scraps of fabric in preparation to make a quilt. Using some of the leftover pieces, she made this small pillow with ruffled edges for her newest great-granddaughter. This pillow became a prized possession until many years later when it finally fell apart.

Sharon with blue pillow

Quilted Hearts and Pillows

When Grandmother Brown died in January 1975, her youngest daughter, my great-Aunt Bonnie, took many of the scraps of fabric from her mother’s collection and created these small stuffed hearts. She gave these to all the family members as a keepsake of our grandmother.

grandmother brown pillows

Today, all these years later, those hearts are still proudly displayed in my mother’s home along with the other quilt pillows from Grandmother Brown.

grandmother brown pillows 2
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