
Kathi Lipp and Hobbies

This morning I decided to try to contact Kathi Lipp. For those of you can’t quite place that name, Kathi Lipp is a popular speaker at many MOPS conventions, has appeared on numerous Focus on the Family broadcasts and events as well as countless radio, TV and public events. I have read her book The Me Project and What’s For Dinner Solution and loved them.

So today, I decided that I wanted to know what Kathi’s hobbies are.

Please realize that I am on a quest to find the busy people who live their life in the spotlight much of the time and find out what their hobbies are. Each week I am sending off emails, calling publicists and trying to connect with popular icons of our culture. So far, I’ve been getting the run-around from most, a few emails of “the person you are contacting is too busy!” or just no answer from the rest. So today when I tried the contact number on Kathi’s site, I fully expected to get a PR voice mail and never hear back again.

Instead, I called the number and got KATHI! It took me about 90 seconds to become a functioning, intelligent person rather than an absolute nut, but then I realized that Kathi may be a popular media personality and may grace the stage of huge events in front of thousands, but she is just a Mom, Wife and Individual like me who loves her hobbies.

What are Kathi’s hobbies?

She loves to read! Non-fiction are the her favorites because she always wants to be learning. Since Kathi has many friends who are fiction writers, she said she does read alot of fiction and really enjoys it, but her most fun genre is non-fiction.

Kathi and her husband Roger love to travel. She was so animated as she told me how fun it is to explore and find “out-of-the-way dives”.

Traditional crafty hobbies are not on her favorite list. Scrapbooking may bring joy to some people, but Kathi admitted that it brings her frustration. And craftiness? Well she was the first to admit that being the crafty-one in the crowd is not going to happen. What about exercise? We both had to agree that we wish we could claim this as a hobby, but in truth this is just not at the top of our list. While we were talking, she told me she needed to take the dog for a walk, so she would be exercising today at least.

What did I take away from our conversation?

I discovered a unique personality behind the books that I love to read. Kathi loves her hobbies and wants to surround herself with things that bring her joy. That was the phrase that I heard coming through. Hobbies should be things that bring us joy not frustration. When we have time to be ‘just us’, we need to fill those moments with things that ‘bring us joy’!

Thanks so much Kathi for taking 5 minutes to chat with a stranger! I had a ball!


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  1. Great interview! The hoobies I enjoy most are kayaking and camping. I also like to crafting…calms me down!

  2. Sharon, great article, great conversation, and looks like she has some great books. It was exciting that you were able to talk with her. Thank you again for challenging me to look at my hobbies, in a busy life with a never ending to-do list…It is important! We will have to chat again on this topic! Thanks friend!

  3. I agree that if a hobby is frustrating then it is really not a good hobby to have. I like to read, blogging, journaling, and I am sure I have others in different seasons of life. I have heard of her before and have one of her books on e-book I believe. That is so awesome that she took the time to talk to you.

  4. I love to putter in the gardens too! Right now my iris are in bloom and my peonies are budding! Love having color in my yard!

  5. Ahhh….. sleep…… Yes, I’ve heard that is a grand thing. Don’t know it from personal experience all the time, but yes – Love that hobby too 🙂

  6. It’s the little things that have become my hobbies. As a busy mom of 3,getting ready to educate them all at home, I find it is the minutes of reading and games eithnmybkids that are my hobbies. My time for the things like scrap booking, traveling, etc will come way too soon. The little things with my kids are what makes memories for them on how to be good moms and dads.

    1. Good points Sonya! Yesterday I realized I had been working for too long and Luke was just playing quiety. So we jumped up and went for a walk and he learned to ride the scooter that’s been in the garage. The day before that I surprised him and we spent time at the park – just playing. I figure I have 13 years before the youngest graduates and I have more me time. Sure love spending time and sharing my hobbies with them!!!

  7. It is crazy how much you can judge a person’s character just based on a seemingly simple thing like answering a phone call and giving a stranger 5 minutes. Makes me want to be more conscious of how I respond when a ‘stranger’ or reader asks a question or takes the time to leave a comment. It definitely made my day! 🙂 and yes Michelle- you would definitely find this to be a great book for you and the divas in your life!

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