
Jan Hill – A Harpist Making a Difference

About 12 years ago, I worked in Lexington, KY as a secretary in a church office. I had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people. This last week, I got an email from a lady whose name sounded a little familiar. When we started talking, I realized that we had crossed paths briefly while I was working in that office. Today I am honored to introduce you to Jan Hill. Here is a hobbyist who is making a difference in many lives by doing something she loves!

Jan Hill – A Harpist Making a Difference


Volunteer at Central Baptist Hospital

Playing at Central Baptist Hospital and other hospitals has been a phenomenal experience for me. I had no idea how much music influences people until I started this ministry. I play hymns and simple melodies and a little classical and popular music.  Many patients ask for a specific song.  Once I played for an opera singer and another time I played for a belly dancer who actually got up from her bed and danced in the hall.  We attracted quite a crowd!

Two weeks ago a patient told me her life had been completely changed when she heard the music.  Many have said how soothing harp music is.  One man who was all wired up said, “your music makes me feel better than a shot of morphine.  When I play in the Neo-natal unit  crying babies quit crying.  One doctor walked by and said, “You have put them all to sleep.”

Nurses and doctors comment when they see me coming to their station, “It’s been a rough day and you arrived just at the right time to bring a little stress relief.”

When I play in the Mother-baby ward, grandmothers thank me because in the midst of delivery the music was very relaxing for their daughters; quite a surprise to me.

Every time I visit the hospital I pray that God will lead me to those who will benefit the most from the music and He does.  It is a very rewarding ministry and I am greatly blessed to see how it helps people feel better.

About Jan Hill

Jan Hill dreamed of playing the harp as a child, the first time she ever hear one played.  That dream was not realized until much later in life after she had nearly completed a rich and fulfilling career as a Baptist missionary to Southeast Asia.

Born in Nebraska and raised in Oklahoma, Jan and her husband Les packed up their two small children and made a new home in the Philippines where they ministered for nearly four decades.

Jan home-schooled her children, and taught  Bible, English and music classes for many years to young Filipino men and women.  The Hills finished out their missionary careers at the Philippine Baptist Seminary.  Les served as president and Jan taught music.

Finally, it was time for a harp.

Jan felt God leading her to pursue this long-held dream.  She asked him to provide her a harp in that land of guitars.  Within two weeks she saw a newspaper advertisement for one, and after hesitating for almost a year she purchased it at age 60 began lessons.  With just two years of instruction under her belt she began taking her harp to the local hospital and playing for patients.  She was encouraged and excited by their positive response.

Dedicated to developing her skill, Jan also studied in Singapore and later in the U.S.

In 2001 , the Hills retired to Lexington.  It didn’t take long for Jan to plug into her new community.  She bought an electronic (and far more portable ) harp than her grand harp.

Jan now plays for weddings, churches, funerals, parties, etc. She also has 2 cds available for sale in the Central Baptist Hospital Gift Shop.

Do you know someone who is making a difference by using their hobbies? I’d love to hear their story and feature them and show how they are making a difference! Just send me their story or have them contact me! I love this part of blogging!!!

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One Comment

  1. In ’70s we were with them in Immanuel Baptist Church in Davao City, Philippines. I was in the beginner kid’s class. Now, I am 50 years old and a pastor in one of Immanuel Baptist Church’s daughter churches in Davao City.

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