Infusible Ink Birthday Placemat
For years we have used a special tablecloth to decorate our kitchen table for birthdays. But recently, I decided to create a birthday placemat with infusible ink and a sublimation pillowcase. I had no official design planned but decided to just create a free-style birthday design on the front side. This is a fun way to create something special to help celebrate birthdays for each family member in your home.
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Infusible Ink Birthday Placemat
Materials Needed
- Sublimation Pillowcase
- Infusible Ink Sheets
- Cricut Easy Press
- Cricut Joy or Maker
- Heat Transfer Tape
- Cutting Board
Create a simple design in Cricut Design. I simply used the free phrase “Happy Birthday” and several balloon shapes in different color infusible ink sheets.
Use your Easy Press to add designs to your pillowcase one area at a time.
Continue printing and placing more balloons and confetti until you get the festive look you want.
Once you are happy with your design, you are ready to use it for your next birthday celebration.
I’m trying to decide how to decorate the backside. I’m thinking about a CELEBRATE theme instead of just Happy Birthday so I can use it for other events.
Have you ever created a birthday placemat using infusible ink and a sublimation pillowcase? I’d love to see your design.
Infusible Ink Keychains
Looking for another infusible ink project? How about infusible ink keychains?