i hike today because

I Hike Today Because

My family loves to get out and take a hike through the woods. Last week while we were hiking together I started thinking about reasons we love to hike. It’s not because a hike takes you anywhere. You usually end up right back where you started. You get hungry, thirsty and tired. So why spend the energy hiking? I hike today because…!

I Hike Today Because…

I hike today because I can.

I hike today because tomorrow may be cold, or wet; there may be work commitments, family emergencies or health issues.

Hiking with Kids

I hike today while I can enjoy the sound of my kids and husband discussing the complexities of life from a child’s perspective.

I hike today because
I hike today because I love the time with family.

I hike today because of the yesterdays when my parents took us out on hiking trails. We made so many memories out on the trails at places like Mammoth Cave, Camp Joy, Park Mammoth, Cumberland Falls.

I hike today because I never know what is around the next bend of the trail. Will we find a waterfall, overlook or amazing tree?

I hike today because there will come a tomorrow when my body no longer welcomes the idea of exploring across uneven trails, roots and loose gravel.

Part of the hiking trail is almost overgrown

I hike today because there will come a tomorrow when the kids will be going to college, getting married and starting their own traditions with their families.

I hike today because there are some people who love to be out in nature and are no longer able to.

I hike because it’s FREE.

Do you love to hike? Why do you hike? What are your reasons to lace up your shoes, grab a water bottle and hit the trails? I’d love to hear your “I Hike Because…..” thoughts.

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