DIY Laundry Bag

How to make a Laundry Bag in 15 minutes

Last week my kids headed off for a week of church missions camp. They spent the week painting, cleaning and working in downtown Atlanta. I knew three things: #1 It would be an amazing experience, #2 They would have lots of dirty clothes and #3 Natalie didn’t want to use a garbage bag or something boring to bring home her laundry. So we decided to sew up a super easy laundry bag in 15 minutes.

Easy DIY Laundry Bag

How to make a Laundry Bag in 15 minutes

A few months ago I had picked up some fat quarters at Walmart for $1.00 each. We have been using some of them to start our Fat Quarter Tween Quilt, but there were a few left that we haven’t cut yet. The patterns and colors were so much fun that we just couldn’t pass them up. This laundry bag is super simple and literally took 15 minutes from start to finish.

Don’t you just love this Mickey Mouse fabric? And the fact that we are the Lakers and anchors are everywhere in our county makes the pink anchor fabric the perfect 2nd side!

Materials Needed

2 Fat Quarters (or pieces of fabric)
About 3 feet of ribbon
Sewing Machine (or needle and thread)


  • Find 2 pieces of fat quarter fabric or cut out 2 matching pieces of fabric
  • Fold over about an inch on each piece and iron it flat
easy diy laundry bag
  • Lay the pieces together (right sides facing in)
  • Pin three sides together to make it easier to sew
DIY Laundry Bag
  • Sew the flap that you ironed so you will be able to thread the ribbon through for the handle
  • Use a machine to sew down each of the three sides (or just hand sew around the edges)
  • Turn it right side out
  • Thread the ribbon through the top

Tip: To thread a ribbon through the flap, attach a large safety pin and just push the pin through.

  • Toss in the suitcase so it will be ready for all the dirty clothes
DIY Laundry Bag

What do you use for a laundry bag when you travel? Have you made a custom bag? Of course, you could take all the work out of this and just order a laundry bag on Amazon. They have some really fun designs (and they’re less than $10.00).

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