How to Create a Scrap Ink Mug Design

Have you been creating Infusible Ink Mugs with the Cricut Mug Press all summer long? If so, I do hope you have been saving your scraps! Anytime I work on an infusible ink project, I save all the scrap pieces and store them in a basket. Now I’m ready to create a scrap ink strip mug. Not only is this a great way to reuse all the small strips but it also makes a unique design unlike anything else you will see.

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How to Create a Scrap Ink Mug Design

Materials Needed


Gather all your infusible ink scraps and cut them in slender strips.

Start by taping the first scrap strip at an angle. Attach the bottom end of the scrap to the mug.

Continue taping scraps all around until you completely cover the mug in your diagonal design.

If you are using the tall sublimation water tumbler then you will need to bake your cup twice. Start with the bottom half and bake for the full time. Then flip the tumbler upside down and start the process a 2nd time.

Tip: Cover the top of the mug with extra butcher paper so your color doesn’t rub off on your Mug Press when you flip the cup upside down.

Let the tumbler cool completely and then unwrap your design.

Add a Design or Phrase

I also wanted to add a phrase on my scrap water tumbler. So I printed out the phrase “Take My Scraps & Make them Beautiful”. Follow the normal process to create your design and attach it to your mug.

Since I have the traditional Mug Press, I followed the same two-step process and baked my mug the first time on the lower half and then flipped it over to bake the top of the phrase on the tumbler.

Things I learned

  • It takes a few extra minutes to bake the tall cup since you have to flip it over and do it twice.
  • When you bake infusible ink multiple times, you may get some fading or bleed from the original design.
  • You may also get a line on the design where the 2nd layer of infusible ink and plastic overlap.

Have you ever done a scrap mug design using infusible ink paper and the Cricut Mug Press? Got any tips or ideas on how to make something amazing with this idea? I’d love to hear!

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    1. I didn’t originally get the purpose of keeping my scraps. But over a few months, It made sense. Sometimes you’ll need a small piece here and there. Cute design!

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