Tips for Hobby Safety

Hundreds and thousands of home-owners enjoy the challenges of DIY, which distinguishes it as one of the most popular past-times in the country. It is also one of the most dangerous, however, as the nature of the work and the tools involved means that there are a number of risks which must be taken into consideration prior to undertaking projects.

Tips for Hobby Safety

While this statistic may be startling enough by itself, it is even more interesting when broken down and investigated further. More than one-third of these injuries (approximately 87,000) occurred due to the misuse of tools and machinery, for example, with ladders and step-ladder accidents accounting for 41,000 hospital visits.

Knives, scalpels, saws and hammers are also incredibly dangerous tools when used recklessly, and these items were involved in a combined total of more than 46,000 accidents in 2012 alone.

The first thing that strikes you about this list is that the tools in question are relatively easy to access and operate, as they are not electronically operated or examples of specialist equipment. It is crucial that you learn to use them responsibly if you are to pursue your passion safely. One of the first things that you should consider is the procurement of relevant safety equipment, with basic items such as goggles, boots and protective gloves capable of delivering genuine peace of mind.

Being Aware of Materials and Additional Hazards

The purchase of protective attire and equipment can also be used to safeguard you when handling the basic materials associated with typical DIY projects. Wood, chipboard and concrete paving accounted for more than 50,000 injuries in 2012, both in terms of impact wounds and muscle strains. Even relatively obscure materials such as glue and adhesive were responsible for an estimated 3,100 injuries, primarily because they were used recklessly or brought into contact with the eyes and exposed skin. These statistics prove the value of paying attention to seemingly small details, such as providing protection for any exposed areas of skin and ensuring that harmful materials are applied according to their specific instructions.

While these statistics may deter some of you from pursuing your passion as a DIY enthusiast, it is important to view them in the proper perspective. More specifically, you should look to learn from them when undertaking DIY projects, so that you can operate safely and optimize the enjoyment of your preferred past-time. After all, tools, equipment and materials are only hazardous when handled irresponsibly or with a disregard for safety, so adopting a more serious approach will help you to complete even complex tasks quickly and securely.

Common tools and Safety Gear

Buying basic tools and safety gear does not have to be expensive. Check out important pieces of safety equipment that cost less than $10.00.

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