
What Will You See at Green River Lake?

Taking time to enjoy the outdoors with family doesn’t always require alot of time or planning. Recently, we were out on a local area road trip heading to do some shopping when we saw a sign for Green River Lake. Since we are always up for a new discovery, we followed the sign and went exploring. In less than an hour we had enjoyed some beautiful scenery and squeezed in some fresh air and a light walk out to the water. You never know what you will see at Green River Lake.

what will you see at green river lake

What Will You See at Green River Lake?

We took a short hike out to a point where we could see the lake and the dam. It was a very simple, short hike that gave us time to enjoy nature and time with the kids. The hike started out past the pavilion and playground on easy pavement…

shannon and kids
sharon and kids

Then we took the off road path that led us down to the water’s edge.


Akinson Griffin Log House

We took a few minutes to learn about the Akinson Griffin Log House which served as a Confederate hospital after the battle which was fought July 4, 1863.

cabin at green river

Tip: When you take a road trip, always pack a pair of tennis shoes and socks in the back of the vehicle. You never know when you will want to take a little walk and discover something amazing.

About Green River Lake

Green River Lake State Park opened in 1969 and contains 1,331 acres of land along with the 8,200-acre lake. The park has many attractions for those who love nature and wish to experience the beauty that is Kentucky.

The park has an 18-hole miniature golf course, hiking trails, a beach, picnic area, and a playground. The marina has a restaurant, boat slips, and rentals for different types of boats. The lake abounds in bass, bluegill, catfish, and crappie.

dam 2

Where to find Green River Lake

Green River Lake State Park
179 Park Office Rd.
Campbellsville, KY 42718
Phone: (270) 465-8255

Some families are like us and love to explore on the spur of the moment. But there are others who don’t even think about taking the roads that lead to new adventures. Exploring new places doesn’t always involve a huge time commitment. Just get out there and see what you can discover!

I think it’s time for us to get out of the house and go explore some more!

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