Grandfather Mountain, NC

A few years ago, my family visited Grandfather Mountain in Linville, North Carolina (about 70 miles from Asheville). This is an amazing vacation destination – but not for the faint of heart. By the time you get to the top of the mountain, you literally feel like you are on top of the world.

Grandfather Mountain, NC

grandfather mountain collage

There is a wildlife viewing area about halfway up the mountain where you can see wildlife in the natural setting. You can eat, shop, picnic, visit, hike, and enjoy the mountains in a beautiful setting.

The drive to the bridge at the top of the mountain is very winding and narrow. Once you get to the top, you can hike across the bridge and see the world from a new perspective.

It is very windy at the top and you of course will need to keep a close hand on small children.

Adult 13-59 – $18
Senior 60+ – $15
Child 4-12 – $8
Children under 4 – Free

Phone: 828-733-4337 (Gate) 800-468-7325 (Office)

The bridge at Grandfather Mountain
The bridge at Grandfather Mountain

Have you ever visited Grandfather Mountain? Was the bridge too much for you or did you love it? I’d love to hear your experience.

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One Comment

  1. If you notice on one of the pictures – I’m actually out in the middle, but with no kids. I refused to walk out there with my babies/kids! I was very intimidated as well! But it was worth it!

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