Getting a Library Card in a New City

I have always had a library card. I can remember getting books from our local library as far back as 1st grade. Back then, our library in my town of Auburn, Kentucky consisted of a small brick building with one room. It was the most exciting place to go visit. Since we have lived in our new town almost one week, I knew it was time to go get my library card in a new city. This is one of the first things I do – no matter where we live!

SHARON - library cards

Getting a Library Card in a New City

As I got older, my parents would take us kids to the city library and allow us to check out a stack of books each Sunday. Cultivating a love for the library is a great way to help kids develop a lifetime connection with books!

Becoming Book Lovers

Getting your own library card is like being granted access to another dimension. Suddenly you have in your hands the key to the entire world. Whether you have more money than you can ever spend or barely two nickels to rub together, if you have a library card, you have access to any adventure you could ever imagine.

Biographies, fiction, novels, mysteries, suspense, adventure, fantasy, romance: You can have it all, no matter what your personal favorite book style is.

Things to Know

Most of the time you will need a piece of mail or a form of ID showing that you are a resident of the county to get your library card. I had gotten our first piece of mail delivered the day before I went to the library. Since I had that in my purse, I was able to easily pick up my new card. If you don’t have anything with your new address, you can usually just pay a small fee.

When you sign up for your card, make sure and ask about programs and reading contests they may have going on. Are there kids activities, story time, book clubs? Are there other branches in the area where you can return books?

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Check the Policies

  • Check the renewal policies for books and media.
  • Can you renew your items online?
  • Do they participate in the Kentucky Unbound ebooks program?  (if you are in other states, check for emedia programs that let you check out ebooks for free with your library card)
  • Does the library offer movies that you can checkout? Is there a fee?

Getting a library card in a new city is an exciting event! Once you have it on your key ring or in your wallet, you can begin to feel right at home!

Do you have a library card? How often do you visit your local library? I’d love to hear!

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