
Flower Pounding: Crafting with a Hammer & Flowers

Have you seen people use a hammer to pound or stamp to transfer the color of the flowers onto the fabric? I have been watching these videos and wanted to see if it works. So recently, I picked a few purple violets and a yellow dandelion, pulled out a canvas lanyard bag, and a hammer to give this a try. The results are still very basic but I can see that this is a simple craft I would love to try again. If you are looking for a low-cost easy project to do this weekend, I suggest you try flower-pounding with fresh flowers.

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Flower Pounding: Crafting with a Hammer & Flowers

flower pounding:

the technique of transferring pigment or color from flowers onto various surfaces using a hammer.


  • Hammer
  • Fresh flowers
  • Blank fabric or canvas
  • paper or handkerchief


Simply take the flower you want to transfer and place it on a piece of blank fabric or canvas. I chose to use periwinkles because of their beautiful purple colors and abundance in one of my side flower beds.

Put a piece of paper or a handkerchief on top of the flower.

Gently tap the hammer multiple times to transfer the color of the flower to the fabric. I don’t know how long you need to tap or how many times you should pound the flower. It will depend on how much color you want to transfer and what kind of flower you are using.

Experiment with different flowers and patterns to achieve the look you want.

Tip: Make sure you tap around the entire flower before you move the paper in order to transfer all of the color over to the fabric and not smudge your design.

I can’t wait to try this again with other flowers later this summer when they come in bloom.

Have you ever tried flower-pounding? Do you have any tips for my next attempt? Don’t you love trying new crafty projects that don’t take extra money or intense training?

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