Tips for First Day of School Pictures

It’s time for school in Kentucky! My kids just recently started back. That means that parents everywhere are all grabbing the camera and snapping a shot of their kids before they head out the door for school. Of course, the way my brain works….. if everyone is taking pictures of the same event year after year, how can we preserve these first day of school pictures in a cool way?

First Day of School Pictures

We always take a picture with the kids and their backpack at the front door as we head out the door to start a new school year.  It’s amazing to look at the 1st-day pictures and see how much they’ve changed.  They’re facial expressions, backpack choices and hairstyles and outfits take me back to a different day.  I’m trying to figure out a cool way to keep up with all the years.

Tips for a great 1st day of School Photo

  • Keep it simple!  Remember that you are going to want to take the same basic shot for up to 13 years!  You don’t want to feel the ‘mommy guilt’ that often goes hand in hand with traditions!  Anybody still have baby books that aren’t finished? Do something that works for you and your lifestyle!  If you are the crafty type, then you may love the idea of hand making a sign or staging a shot.  For me, I love the ease of knowing that each year I can get a shot on the porch or at the front door with backpacks and shoes on – headed out the door!
  • Make it quick!  Kids are full of energy, excitement, nerves, and adrenaline on the 1st day of school.  Don’t plan to stage a photo shoot!  Just grab the camera and get the shot.  I usually take about 2 minutes max and snap several quick shots.  Then I have 1 shot that captures the mood of the morning.
  • Store it safe!  I didn’t start out to make a traditional 1st-day photo.  It just evolved!  But after searching for several hours, I was able to find 5 of the last 6 years photos!  I can’t find 2008!  That makes me sad.  So now I have a file on my computer called “1st day of school photos”.  No chance in losing the next 12 years of images!

What do you do for 1st Day of School Pictures? I’d love to see your traditional 1st-day pic!

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  1. For preK and just this past Wed, for Kindergarten, I took a pic of my son standing next to the front door and the door bell to see where he stood (tall). Then for preK, the last day I took a pic in the same exact place to see the difference in how much he grew. Shall do the same at end of Kindergarten. Then for each yr, in the scrapbook, the first page will have the first day pic and next to it the last day pic. 🙂

  2. A long time ago in a far away place we started after labor day lol…. That’s a fun idea – by the bus! Cool! My youngest started kindergarten too! Amazing!

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