Electronic Gadgets Every Adult Needs

There are some people who embrace technology and love the latest and greatest gadgets, but there are others who are slow to adapt and need a little nudge and direction. Whether you are the one with the simple flip phone or the one with the newest electronic gear, take a look at this list and see if you have checked out this technology to make your life easier.

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Electronic Gadgets that all Adult Need

One thing to note: there are some adults who really don’t love technology and devices. If you prefer the simpler, old-school ways to keep organized and connected, then just forward this to your techy friends and stick with what is working for you!

Find a Phone that lets you stay connected:

Being connected to friends and family with a mobile device is pretty standard in today’s world. But that doesn’t mean you have to upgrade to the newest phone every time there is a new release. Pick a phone that works for you. Do you want a smart phone so you can have everything in one place? Do you prefer a smaller profile phone that will fit in your pocket, or do you like the new larger phones with bigger screens that make it easier to see and type numbers and text?

Real Life Tip: If you are thinking about upgrading your phone, then stop in at the local tech stores and do your research. Go before you plan to buy so you can actually handle the phones and see how they fit your hand when there is no pressure to actually sign a contract.

Don’t lose your charge:

No matter which mobile device or phone you decide to use you don’t want to lose your battery power at a crucial time. You can pick up a small portable battery charger for about $25 that will let you recharge your device on the go without plugging in the wall. They are easy to afford and even easier to use. You simply charge it while you are home, then drop it in your purse or bag to charge your phone while you are out running errands or waiting in a doctors office.

Get healthy:

A fitness tracker is a fun way to keep up with your activity level. You can order a wearable fitness tracker for under $50-$100 or upgrade to one that offers more features. The benefit of using a fitness tracker is a constant reminder to move more. If you don’t want to spend the money on the full feature fitness tracker, you can pick up a pedometer for less than $20. Just print out a chart and record your steps so you can see how you much you are moving

A few months ago, I bought a Fitbit and have been loving the step tracking features. I now have a goal of 5 miles a day! I definitely feel better when I am moving throughout the day. One of the benefits of a fitness wearable band is that I have a constant reminder to get up and get moving! A side benefit is I am finding ways to earn money by using my FitBit!

Take pictures:

Every person needs a way to take pictures and capture memories. Whether you use the camera on your phone, buy a pocket size point and shoot or use the full DSLR camera, find something you can keep up with and take pictures of your life!

Don’t get lost!

Though I am a big advocate of always having a paper map in the car, a GPS is a crucial piece of technology that we rely on heavily. Sure, you should always double check the GPS to make sure it is taking you the best route, but having the GPS help with navigation is a great solution for road trips and travel!

Real Life Tip: If you have a GPS and hate using the suction cups on your front window, then you might want to pick up one of these friction mounts. It makes it super convenient to move it back and forth between vehicles as well as allows you to put it in the floorboard when you are not in the car. Hint, hint: this makes a great birthday present as well!

Calendar Apps:

Some people prefer to keep everything on paper, but I personally love my online calendar. I keep up with all my appointments, meetings, kids activities and life events on my phone app. There are some great reminder apps that let you stay organized and use your time efficiently. Only you can decide what works best for your life.

What electronic gadgets do you think are important for your life? I’d love to hear!

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One Comment

  1. Sharon, I love my Fitbit Charge 2! I am having fun checking out my sleep pattern, steps taken, heart rate and exercise. I am also keeping track of water consumption and calories eaten. Thank you so much for helping me get started with this! Also, I have seldom worn a watch and am enjoying being able to tell the time easily. This electronic tool is making its mark with me!

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