
Daddy’s Drawers Quilt Idea

A few years ago I decided to make a quilt for my son. I didn’t really have any resources to buy material but I did have a whole stack of plaid boxers that had outlived their days of use and a great quilt idea. I started looking through the scrap pieces and realized I had plenty of material to make 9 patch squares. I went through the closet and found a red plaid pair of boxers that would be perfect. What I didn’t realize was that it was a brand new pair we had just purchased. My husband was less than thrilled, but they really added to the quilt!


Daddy’s Drawers Quilt Idea

I cut and pressed the plaid material and started piecing it all together. I found an old sheet to piece together the blocks and another to use for the backing. When I gave it to my son to use on his bed, he was so excited.

My aunt decided this quilt idea should be called Daddy’s Drawers in honor of the material’s origin.

Just a reminder about using reclaimed fabric…. My Grandmother who has been quilting for close to 80 years constantly reminds me that you should be careful about using material that is already worn. If you are going to spend months of your life creating a quilt, you want to make sure that the material will hold up to years of love. So choose your material with care – especially if you are using repurposed material.

What’s the most creative quilt idea you have ever done? Have you ever pieced together a quilt using reclaimed fabric? I’d love to hear your quilt story!

Online Quilt Show

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One Comment

  1. That is too funny. My husband needs me to pick him up some new draws, maybe I should get some extra to make this. It turned out very pretty.

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