Create a Mug with Handwritten Signatures

Are you looking for a unique gift idea that will capture your child’s handwriting or special drawing? Did you know you can use infusible ink on a mug and create a custom gift for parents or grandparents? Here are simple steps to take a name or picture and add it to a mug using infusible ink and the Cricut Mug Press.

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Create a Mug with Handwritten Signatures



Have your child draw their name or a simple picture with a marker on a plain piece of paper.

Open your photo program. Canva offers the ability to remove the background of an image with a simple click of a button. You can use any program you have as long as you are able to remove the background.

Open your Cricut Design Space program and upload your new image with the background removed. (Cricut does allow you to knock out the background in the program, but I have found that it is more difficult to remove than using the Canva program.).

Create your mug press design and select your new upload image of the simple drawing or handwriting.

  • Print your design and weed out the excess pieces.
  • Attach your design to your mug using heat-safe transfer tape and insert it into the Cricut Mug Press.
  • Allow to cool and then remove the infusible ink.

Now you are ready to share this custom design with grandparents or you can just keep it for yourself and enjoy!

Looking for other Cricut Mug Press ideas?

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One Comment

  1. Mugs with handwritten signatures are a great idea! What family member or friend wouldn’t want something as precious as this! Sharon, you take the cake for most creative ideas.

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