Easy Thanksgiving Crocheted Pumpkins
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Easy Thanksgiving Crocheted Pumpkins

Are you looking for a simple Thanksgiving craft you can make to help celebrate the season of thankfulness? If you know how to crochet a simple rectangle, then you can make up a basketful of crocheted pumpkins to remind your friends and family that you are thankful, blessed and grateful! Here’s how easy it is…

Is it a Waste of Time to Crochet an Afghan?
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Is it a Waste of Time to Crochet an Afghan?

This is a question I’ve thought about a few times over the past few weeks as I’ve gotten hooked on crocheting again. I spend a little time each evening doing what some might think is unproductive. When I’m crocheting, I’m not doing laundry, the kitchen doesn’t get cleaned and I don’t get any blogging done….

Crochet Crawl 2020

Crochet Crawl 2020

Do you love to browse the yarn aisle at your local craft store? Do you have every size crochet hook you can imagine and love experimenting with different stitches? Do you enjoy sharing your crocheted creations with the people around you? If you love afghans, scarves, and hats and love seeing how other people are…