capturing memories - angle of shot

5 Tips to Capture Family Memories that Pop

I am not an amazing photographer. I don’t even capture the best shots most of the time. But I do love to explore the world around me by looking through the viewfinder of my point-and-shoot Nikon camera. There’s just something amazing about being able to capture a moment in time so we can all enjoy it later. Sometimes you catch a gleam in the eyes, a whimsical look, a focused look of concentration or a burst of laughter.

Capturing memories with photography is a hobby that we should all pursue. I know I’m always trying to improve. Here are 5 ways to capture family memories that pop!

5 Ways to Capture Family Memories that Pop

tips to capture family memories

1. Always Carry the Camera

If you don’t have your camera ready, you are guaranteed to miss the best shots every single time. I always have my camera ready. That doesn’t mean I will always capture the best pictures, but at least I will be trying.

always carry the camera

2. Take a Series

Sometimes the best memories aren’t one static image. Sometimes, it’s the movement, the subtle changes in expression or the interaction between the subjects. Papaw and his grandson were having so much fun and didn’t care that I had my camera out. They were just enjoying being together. By taking a string of pictures, I captured this memory. You can almost hear them laughing! Don’t you think?

papaw and sam laughing

3. Stand back and see the full picture.

This weekend we went on a mini hayride. There are 2 different ways to look at this picture. The traditional shot was of the wagon and all the riders; but my Mom saw the bigger story. She saw the family member that was sitting inside the van watching the hayride. By looking at the big picture, you can capture the full memory and not just the typical shot.

hayride perspective 2
hayride angle

4. Crop to Add Strength

Sometimes you capture an awesome image, but there is background clutter that take away from the picture. My niece was so excited about her first ride on a motorcycle, but I was definitely not adding anything to the picture by standing in the background By cropping me out, I strengthened the shot and you can focus on her excitement.

crop for strong
crop for strong makayla

5. Get the Faces on the Same level

Here are 3 cousins that were having a ball just being together. I took this first shot of them just playing, but it didn’t ‘pop’. Sure, you could see their smiles, but there was nothing amazing about the picture.

three girls

Then I brought them all up close and had my daughter get down to the same level as the cousins.

By getting everyone on the same level, I was able to capture the memory and help this image become a real keeper!

girls up close

I know I have alot to learn about taking pictures, but I have mastered the most important tip! I always carry my camera! Now, I just have to keep practicing.

Do you have any tips to help me improve my pictures? I’d love to hear!

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  1. Great tips!!! Your composition of photos is great – but it seems like maybe your focus is a little off…like a bit fuzzy. I want to see your smiling face in focus 🙂 My problem is that I take way way way too many!

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