
Building BirdFeeders for Summer

I received sample products from Oriental Trading for the purpose of this review. No monetary compensation was received.

My kids are just like yours. They love to create, build, paint and share their projects. We received these birdfeeder kits from Oriental Trading and the kids had a great time building birdfeeders for summer and getting them ready for our birds.


Building BirdFeeders for Summer

Each birdfeeder kit comes in its own plastic package with the nails and precut wood pieces you need to build a birdfeeder as well as instructions and illustrations. The kits are easy to assemble but do require adult supervision since the kids are going to be using a hammer and nails.


Added result of kids having fun building birdhouses for summer: Learning how to use a hammer without bending the nails. When they do bend the nail, you get to teach them how to pull it out with the other side of the hammer!


Time to Paint

Once the birdfeeders are built, the painting fun begins. Give the kids a brush and a safe surface so they can get started turning the wood into their own personal design.


Kids and painting tip: Sometimes it’s best to let the kids clean their brush between each color. But since they only used about 4 colors for this project, I let them use one brush per color. This meant we didn’t have to use water and dry the brushes between each color change.

Time to Feed the Birds

Once the paint is dry it’s time to hang the birdhouses in the backyard. I used fishing line to thread through the hook and hang the birdfeeders in our backyard crabapple tree. All that is left is for the birds to find their new feeder.


Have you and your kids made birdfeeders yet this year? We ordered our birdfeeder kitsfrom Oriental Trading. These are perfect for Vacation Bible School, homeschool crafts or even Fathers Day gifts! How will you use these fun craft birdhouse kits? I’d love to hear!

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