birthday card tradition

Birthday Card Tradition

In 1968, My Grandpa started a tradition that has been going strong for 45 years. He decided to send his son the same birthday card that he had received four months earlier. That birthday card tradition of sending the same card back and forth has been continued and brings a smile each year!

Birthday Card Tradition

In 1968, when my uncle bought this card to send birthday wishes to his Dad, he never imagined they would still be celebrating birthdays with the same card in 2013. That’s often how family traditions are started – by accident.

Birthday Card Traditions
The beginning – 1968

He sent the card to his dad in March, 1968…then Grandpa sent the same card to Steve in July, 1968…

birthday card with pages
And the card keeps going back and forth. Year after year…. after year….after year!

They’ve had to add pages and tape the card together many times. But this card just keeps on going back and forth.

My Grandpa just turned 94 last month and Uncle Steve has a birthday coming up in a few months. I suppose this card is going to see quite a few more birthday parties before it gets retired.

Do you have any birthday traditions that keep on going year after year? I’d love to hear!

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  1. I’ve seen that card, Sharon. It is truly amazing that they kept it up all those years! Regarding the envelope, after awhile they used a 6×9 manila envelope.

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