Bible Stories that End with a Hug
I love reading a book with my kids before bed. Some nights are laid back with plenty of time to read and do all the bedtime rituals. But other nights are rushed, and there’s barely enough time to get teeth brushed, much less enough time to read a book. Bible Stories that End with a Hug has become the perfect way to end our day without requiring more time than we have.
Bible Stories that End with a Hug
This Bible Story book is a little different from other night time books we have tried. It is written for younger children but is a perfect spring board for my 5 and 8 year old. Each story takes less than 5 minutes to go from start to finish. If the night is relaxed and we have more time, we might open the Bible and find the background verse or give more background about each story.
But when the night is rushed, we can read the focus verse, very brief story, and ask the guided questions. My kids honestly love the side bar on each page. “Give the one who knows God will take care of them a great big HUG!” Each night the closing statement is geared toward the nightly story, but starts with the same phrase – “Give the one ….. a big hug!”
The book starts with the Creation Story and goes book by book through the main events of the Bible. The stories are very safe and give limited details. If you are talking about Samson, the strongest man in the Bible, it just says he disobeyed God but then God honored his request to give back his strength. There is no mention of death, killing, bad news or scary events. That is why it is perfect for younger children. Parents can of course give more background details and talk about the rest of the story.
One page a night makes this book last quite a while. I know this is definitely a book that we will enjoy till the very end, then we will pass it on to another family with young children.
You can order Bible Stories that End with a Hug! from Amazon or request it at your local library.
About the book
Little children love getting—and giving—hugs! Hugs generate warmth, affection, and a feeling of acceptance. Show your little ones just how much you treasure them while teaching them about the Bible and God’s unconditional love for his creation. Bible Stories that End with a Hug! features 75 easy-to-understand Bible stories with charming illustrations, lessons on how to apply the stories to your child’s daily life, memory verses from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, and a special “Hug Time” during which you can share a great big hug with your child.
About the author
Stephen Elkins is a Grammy Award–nominated record producer and a multimillion-selling children’s author and songwriter. He is owner and founder of Wonder Workshop, a multifaceted Christian media company specializing in the creation of juvenile books…
I received a copy of this book from Tyndale House for the purpose of the review. I was not required to write a positive review.