
5 Tips for Getting in a School Routine

It’s almost time for back to school in central Kentucky. That means parents all around our area are finishing up the school supplies list and doing final back to school clothes shopping. Many kids are already dreading the early morning and start of the new school year. There are a few things that we can all do to help us get back in a school routine and make life a little simpler at the same time.

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5 Tips for Getting in a School Routine


Move up the bedtime

If your child is on the summer routine of staying up late and sleeping in all morning, start now to adjust that inner body clock. Don’t make it a drastic change. Instead, work it up a few minutes each night so you’ll be ready to roll when school starts back. Kids need more sleep than they think they do. Help them get a great start to the school year by ensuring they get plenty of rest.

Get in a breakfast habit

When kids have the summer off, they often get out of the habit of eating a nutritious breakfast. Whether they plan to eat breakfast at home or at school, get them back in the habit of eating something for breakfast to help them be fueled and ready for the day. If you have older kids, give them some easy options that they can fix themselves. Not only will this help the mornings run smoother if they can fix their own breakfast, but it will also help alleviate the struggle that many families face trying to decide what to eat.

Plan out the clothes

Kids love to have new clothes. Sometimes a new outfit is just the ticket to help a child get out of bed and get dressed and ready for the day. Have some special outfits and accessories ready for the first few days back. Not only will this take out the struggle of ‘what do I wear’, but it will also provide a motivational tool to get out the door.

Smart tip:  If you are shopping for school clothes, don’t miss the built in savings opportunities.  Burkes Outlet offers discounts for non-seniors on Fridays; senior discounts are offered on Mondays.  Goodys offers coupons online;  If you have a favorite store such as Old Navy or Kohls, then check their website or Facebook page for special coupons.

Don’t plan major events the first week

The first week of school is tough enough on kids without adding in other variables. If you can clear their after school calendar of unnecessary activities or events, do so. The first week will be very tiring for most students and they will welcome the chance to rest and recharge in the afternoons after the first few days of school.

Check shot records

For kids entering a new school system or entering Kindergarten, Middle School or High School for the first time, they may need to have some updated shots or vaccinations. Don’t let this slip up on you. Check with your school or family physician before school starts to make sure all students are up to date and don’t need anything new.

Smart tip: Buy extra supplies:
Take advantage of the discounted school supplies this week and stock up on some extras. You are always going to end up needing to replace some school supplies a few months into the school year. Why not go ahead and buy ahead so that you won’t have to pay full price later on in the year?

Are you ready for a new school year? Got any tips on getting in a school routine and enjoying your hobbies?  I’d love to hear!

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